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WUT = Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics Heavy Ion Physics as seen from WUT.

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Presentation on theme: "WUT = Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics Heavy Ion Physics as seen from WUT."— Presentation transcript:

1 WUT = Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics Heavy Ion Physics as seen from WUT


3 Some history 1975- 1990 WUT at JINR - Dubna

4 M.I. PodgoretskiV.G. Grishin 1975 ~1990 - Grishin, propane bubble chamber group and others in Dubna - measured two-particle correlations for various reactions and two-particle systems in the energy domain of several GeV/nucleon Weekly meeting of propane bubble chamber group.

5 First correlation function for π 0 π 0 system, JINR, Dubna, 1986 Xenon bubble chamber of ITEP, Moscow π+Xe, 3.5 GeV/c Xenon Bubble Chamber

6 1990 … Cooperation with LPN, SUBATECH NANTES

7 k* 1 Catching up Effective interaction time larger Stronger correlation Moving away Effective Interaction time smaller Weaker correlation “Double” ratio Sensitive to the space-time asymmetry in the emission process R.Lednicky, V. L.Lyuboshitz, B.Erazmus, D.Nouais,Phys.Lett. B373 (1996) 30. C-C- C+C+ C+C+ C-C- Kinematics selection along some direction e.g. k Out, k Side, cos(v,k) Heavier particle faster Lighter particle faster Nonidentical Particle Correlations

8 Proton-proton correlations in NA44 experiment at CERN, 1996 200 GeV/u

9 1990 … Experiments at GANIL E183 – C. Lebrun, E193 – B. Erazmus E286 - JP

10 1997 Meetings at WUT on particle momentum correlations

11 Since 1991 … Participation in the STAR experiment at RHIC/BNL

12 Since 1998 … Participation in the ALICE experiment at LHC/CERN

13 Design, Implementation and Maintenance of ALICE Detector Construction Data-Base, DCDB, W. Peryt

14 Since 2005 … Participation in the NA49/NA61 experiments at the SPS/CERN

15 Meetings






21 STAR Collaboration Meeting, july’2005

22 Dubna-Moscow, march, 2006

23 Dubna, march, 2006

24 February 2007, Meeting in Grybów


26 2007, Kiev

27 Since 2000 – June/July workshops at SUBATECH/Nantes

28 GDRE workshop in Nantes, July 2011

29 Heavy Ion PhD at WUT

30 1. Michał Przewłocki (2002) Particle correlations in two-nucleon systems emitted in heavy ion collisions (Experiment E286 at GANIL)

31 2. Adam Kisiel (2004) Studies of non-identical meson-meson correlations at low relative velocities in relativistic nuclear collisions registered in the STAR experiment

32 3. Piotr Skowroński(2005) Space-time evolution of nuclear collisions to be seen by ALICE experiment using particle correlations Effect of hard processes on momentum correlatioions In Heavy Ion Collisions ALICE performance in Correlation Analysis

33 Piotr Skowronski, ALICE, Influence of hard processes on momentum correlations

34 4. Agnieszka Staranowicz (2008) Analysis of nucleon and light nuclear fragments emission in the Ar-Ni collisions at 77 MeV per nucleon

35 5. Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk (2008) Studies of Baryon-Baryon Correlations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Registered at the STAR Experiment

36 6. Marcin Słodkowski (2009) Study of K* Resonances Production in Nuclear Collisions at the CERN SPS energies

37 7. Marek Szuba (2009) Long range Correlations of Charged Particles in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the CERN SPS

38 8. Daniel Kikoła (2010) Hidden Charm Production in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Registered in the STAR Experiment

39 9. Marcin Zawisza (2010) Study of Meson-Baryon Correlations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Registered by the STAR Detector

40 9 staff members 7 PhD students 15 students We are very happy to see you with us here!!!

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