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European Territorial Cooperation Programmes European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Greece-Italy 2007-2013 A case study in cross-border cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "European Territorial Cooperation Programmes European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Greece-Italy 2007-2013 A case study in cross-border cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Territorial Cooperation Programmes European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Greece-Italy 2007-2013 A case study in cross-border cooperation Dr. Dionysia Tamvaki / JTS Project Officer Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013”

2 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” European Territorial Cooperation Origin and Mission European Territorial Cooperation Origin and Mission The framework of the General Regulations on the Structural Funds 2007-2013 OBJECTIVE 1 - Convergence OBJECTIVE 2 – Regional Competitiveness and Employment OBJECTIVE 3 – European Territorial Cooperation Objective 3 - European Territorial Cooperation Its importance has been highlighted in the light of enlargement, as much more areas are now bordering with the European Union and the population living in the them has rapidly risen Moreover, the regions at the external borders of the European Union are in dire economic situation and are in need of the support of the European Union

3 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” European Territorial Cooperation 4 Cooperation Types Cross-border Cooperation (approx. 48%) Bilateral Programmes - Greece-Albania (IPA), Greece-Bulgaria (ERDF), Greece- Cyprus (ERDF) Greece-Italy (ERDF), Greece-FYROM(IPA) Multilateral Programmes -Adriatic (IPA),Black Sea Basin (ENPI – Neighborhood Instrument), Mediterranean Sea Basin – MED ENPI (ENPI) Transnational Cooperation (approx 48%) South-East Europe (SEE)-Split/ Division of C.I.P. INTERREG III/B CADSES Mediterranean Space (MED) -Merge of C.I.P. INTERREG III/B ARCHIMED and MEDOCC Interregional Cooperation (approx 8%) INTERREG IV C Integration/ Merge – All Europe, one single zone Networks and experience exchange Programmes (approx. 4%) INTERACT, ESPON

4 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” Cross-border Cooperation

5 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” Tailoring Programmes to the large diversity of border regions: Low border permeability: create or improve communication infrastructures and connection links Economic disparities: promote catching-up activities (ex: integrating labor market, business, knowledge transfer) Well functioning cross-border structures: bring added value to cross-border activities (ex: RDT, culture) Cross-border Cooperation Overall ApproachApproach

6 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” Entrepreneurship and SMEs, tourism, culture and cross-border trade Protection and joint management of the environment Urban-rural link Better access to transport, information & communication networks Water, waste management and energy management systems Health, culture and education infrastructure Cross-border Cooperation Main Themes

7 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” Date of approval by the EC: March 28, 2008 Cross-border Cooperation EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 Programme budget: 118.606.893 € /ERDF: 88.955.170 € (75%) National Contribution: 29.651.723 € (25%)

8 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” ETCP GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 Eligible Area & Adjacent territories REGIONS/ NUTS INUTS IINUTS III GREECERegion of Western GreecePrefecture of Aitoloakarnania Prefecture of Achaia Region of Ionian IslandsPrefecture of Kerkyra/Corfu Prefecture of Lefkada Prefecture of Kefallinia/Cephalonia Prefecture of Zakynthos Region of EpirusPrefecture of Ioannina Prefecture of Preveza Prefecture of Thesprotia ITALYRegion of ApuliaProvince of Bari Province of Brindisi Province of Lecce GREECERegion of Western GreecePrefecture of Ilia Region of EpirusPrefecture of Arta ITALYRegion of ApuliaProvince of Taranto Province of Foggia

9 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” ETCP GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 Priority Axes/S.O & Budget Distribution Priority AxisBudgetSpecific Objective 1. Strengthening competitiveness and innovation 33.209.930 1.1Strengthening interaction between research, innovation, SMES and public authorities 1.2 Promoting cross-border advanced new technologies 2. Improve accessibility to sustainable networks and services 29.651.723 2.1 Enhancement of the cross-border integrated and sustainable connections 2.2 Improvement of transport, information and communication networks and services 3. Improving the quality of life, protection of the environment and enhancement of social and cultural cohesion 48.628.826 3.1 Promotion of cultural and natural heritage 3.2 Valorisation & improvement of joint protection & management of natural resources, natural and technological risks prevention 3.3 Protection of health and promotion of social integration 4. Technical Support for Implementation7.116.414 4.1 Support for the management, monitoring, implementation and audit of the programme’s operations 4.2 Support for the broad publicity and information of the programme

10 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” ETCP GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 Progress so far 2 Evaluated and Approved Calls 52 Projects Total approved budget 72.269.125,46 3 rd Call in course of evaluation –Total budget 20 Million euros Upcoming Call on Strategic Projects

11 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” ETCP GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 Statistics on Submitted Projects_1 st Call

12 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” ETCP GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 Statistics on Submitted Projects_1st Call

13 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” ETCP GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 Statistics on Approved Projects_1 st Call

14 Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” ETCP GREECE-ITALY 2007-2013 General Tips ”THINGS” TO BE CAREFUL!!! Genuine joint projects: Partners from both countries Genuine joint projects: at least 2 Evaluation Criteria to be fulfilled: - joint development - joint implementation - joint staffing - joint financing Better quality projects: clear-specific, measurable, sustainable, necessary Avoid incompatible roles (ex. conflict of interest)

15 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes Joint Technical Secretariat of the ETCP “Greece-Italy 2007-2013”

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