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Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity

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1 Workship: "Value Education for Peace, Culture and Human Development: from India to the World"

2 Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity
«Seven Deadly Sins Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality Worship without sacrifice.» ― Mahatma Gandhi

3 Early life and background
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar (also known as Sudamapuri), a coastal town on the Kathiawar Peninsula and then part of the small princely state of Porbandar in the Kathiawar Agency of the British Indian Empire. His father, Karamchand Gandhi (1822–1885), served as the diwan (chief minister) of Porbander state. His mother, Putlibai, who was from a Pranami Vaishnava family, was Karamchand's fourth wife, the first three wives having apparently died in childbirth. M. K. Gandhi had 2 brothers and 1 sister. Mohandas was the youngest of them.

4 English barrister In May 1883, the 13-year-old Mohandas was married to 14-year-old Kasturbai Makhanji. In 1888, Gandhi travelled to London, England, where he studied law and jurisprudence and enrolled at the Inner Temple with the intention of becoming a barrister.

5 Civil rights movement in South Africa (1893–1914)
Gandhi was 24 when he arrived in South Africa to work as a legal representative for the Muslim Indian Traders based in the city of Pretoria. He spent 21 years in South Africa, where he developed his political views, ethics and political leadership skills.Gandhi focused his attention on Indians while in South Africa and opposed the idea that Indians should be treated at the same level as native Africans while in South Africa.

6 In the struggle for the independence of India Mahatma Gandhi used the methods of nonviolent resistance, in particular, on his initiative, the Indians resorted to boycott British goods and institutions, and defiantly violated several laws. In 1921, Gandhi led the Indian National Congress, who left in 1934 because of differences of their views on the national liberation movement of the position of the other party leaders.

7 …. Florence youth festival has given me a chance to think over Gandhi's ideas. Preparing for the workshop i found out that M.Ghandi's ideas can work in value education. The preeminent leader of Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom Florence festival is a good chance to consider the best ideas of such a thinker and study his ideas and sayings, e.g. Real education has to draw out the best from the boys and girls to be educated.


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