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EPA and Ecosystem-Based Management: Success of the Watershed Approach Michael H. Shapiro Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water, US EPA Capitol Hill.

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Presentation on theme: "EPA and Ecosystem-Based Management: Success of the Watershed Approach Michael H. Shapiro Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water, US EPA Capitol Hill."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPA and Ecosystem-Based Management: Success of the Watershed Approach Michael H. Shapiro Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water, US EPA Capitol Hill Oceans Week June 9, 2004

2 2 Presentation Summary Ocean Commission Report Themes Watershed Management at EPA –What is it? –Application to ocean/coastal protection Water Quality Monitoring

3 3 Ocean Commission Report Theme: Ecosystem-based management should guide ocean policy Theme: Watershed approach needed to address threats to oceans and coasts Theme: Strengthen science, generate high-quality information

4 4 Watershed Protection at EPA: The Watershed Approach Emphasis in EPA water programs for more than a decade Focuses collaborative, multi-program efforts within hydrologically-defined boundaries Key component of EPA’s new Strategic Plan Reflected in numerous ongoing EPA/state water programs

5 5 Watershed Protection: Core Clean Water Act (CWA) Programs Commission identifies need to reduce polluted runoff EPA works with states to address water pollution comprehensively within watershed boundaries: –Grants for nonpoint source projects with watershed plans and performance monitoring –Watershed-based TMDLs for point and nonpoint sources

6 6 Watershed Protection: The National Estuary Program 28 estuaries of national significance –Stakeholder-driven, collaborative Focus is on environmental results (nearly 750,000 acres of habitat protected or restored) Vital link to EPA/ state programs addressing land- based pollution sources

7 7 Watershed Protection: Efforts in Key Watersheds Efforts demonstrate value of watershed approach Examples: –Targeted Watershed Grants Program—2005 budget proposal: Extend and increase to $25 million, $10 million targeted to nutrient control in Chesapeake Bay –Great Waterbody Programs

8 8 Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Key EPA/state program need and priority Reflected in new Strategic Plan –Development of scientifically sound monitoring program –Collection and analysis of data to determine health of all waters, particularly coastal waters

9 9 Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment: NCCR National Coastal Condition Report –Reports on condition of coastal waters on national and regional scale –Developed by EPA, NOAA, and DOI –Much of the data are collected by states –First NCCR issued in 2002 –Model for expanded national monitoring effort

10 10 Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment: NCCR I

11 11 Conclusion EPA pleased with Commission support of ecosystem/watershed approaches and increased monitoring Themes align closely with EPA water quality priorities Web sites:

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