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CPU PROGRAMMING. PURPOSE To learn how to upgrade software of CPU.

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2 PURPOSE To learn how to upgrade software of CPU.

3 SOFTWARE UPGRADE 1)Turn OFF the system. 2) In PC, Copy the file wbcpx.exe and the CPU Master software file z_xxx.kbf into the same directory for example>ds200prg). Note: The file used for programming CPU200S is wbcp54.exe and the software file is named as z_xxx.bin. 3) Make sure that the jumper J201 on the CPU-module (the small card on top) is at position WR (write). ● J201 is at WR position as default. 4) Connect the CPU200 card to the CPUKON card by the flat cable, just as usual.

4 5) Type the following command in MSDOS prompt : C:\ds200prg> wbcpx z_adz.kbf com1: f v ( f=fast, v=verify ) (For DS200S/DS200M: wbcpv54 z_adz.bin com1: f v) 6) After the program prompts you (when you see “OK to reboot” on MSDOS window), turn ON the system. 7) Now, system is ready with the new CPU software.

5 The initial command Power on time

6 Software Upgrade Through IDEA Newly, CPU master software is being upgraded by IDEA Program. NOTE: You need to copy the CPU master software into the same directory where IDEA program operates.

7 Software Upload - IDEA


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