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20070226 KISTI-eScience meeting 1 SGC upgrade and future: for CMS-HI program Inkyu Park (Univ. of Seoul) for Korean CMS-HI team.

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Presentation on theme: "20070226 KISTI-eScience meeting 1 SGC upgrade and future: for CMS-HI program Inkyu Park (Univ. of Seoul) for Korean CMS-HI team."— Presentation transcript:

1 20070226 KISTI-eScience meeting 1 SGC upgrade and future: for CMS-HI program Inkyu Park (Univ. of Seoul) for Korean CMS-HI team

2 200702262 KISTI-eScience meeting OSG (Open Science Grid) OSG is a distributed computing infrastructure for scientific research OSG is a distributed computing infrastructure for scientific research Consortium of universities, national lab, computing industries. Consortium of universities, national lab, computing industries. Contribute and share resources benefit Contribute and share resources benefit Supported by NSF and DoE Supported by NSF and DoE

3 200702263 KISTI-eScience meeting OSG for CMS-HI CMS-HI is mainly supported by US-CMS CMS-HI is mainly supported by US-CMS US-CMS supports OSG (Open Science Grid) US-CMS supports OSG (Open Science Grid) UoS will participate both OSG and LCG UoS will participate both OSG and LCG Seoul Grid Center (supported by Seoul city) will support CMS-HI activity as data-grid, and CPU farm ($3M facility + $0.2M/year) Seoul Grid Center (supported by Seoul city) will support CMS-HI activity as data-grid, and CPU farm ($3M facility + $0.2M/year) KR CMS-HI : 4 institutions (~10 people) KR CMS-HI : 4 institutions (~10 people) Jet finder library for CMSSW, HI MC production, Elliptic flow & Forward physics. Jet finder library for CMSSW, HI MC production, Elliptic flow & Forward physics.

4 200702264 KISTI-eScience meeting USA FermiLab France IN2P3/Lyon UK Rutherford Italy CNAF/Bologna NL NIKHEF Taiwan Sinica ASCC Tier 1 Tier2( USCMS) University of Seoul (CMS-Tier2) Current approach If any CMS TIER exists, we want to be connected as a sub-system!

5 200702265 KISTI-eScience meeting Korean CMS-HI contribution SGC  data-grid, CPU farms SGC  data-grid, CPU farms 128 machines  maximum of 128TB storage 128 machines  maximum of 128TB storage 128 CPU cluster  MC generation farm 128 CPU cluster  MC generation farm ~ 64 new dual core dual process machines are added  UOSPCC-4 ~ 64 new dual core dual process machines are added  UOSPCC-4 Wrapping them up with OSG Wrapping them up with OSG UOSPCC  user analysis facilities UOSPCC  user analysis facilities 64bit cluster + 32 bit cluster 64bit cluster + 32 bit cluster

6 200702266 KISTI-eScience meeting Bolek Wyslouch ( MIT, USA ) David d’Enterria ( CERN, Swiss ) Geiyoub Lim ( KEK, Japan ) Inkyu Park ( UoS, Korea ) CMS-HI, JPARC experiments CMS-HI JPARC E391a

7 200702267 KISTI-eScience meeting Conclusion CERN-CMS, US-CMS, CMS-HI, MIT, all are strongly supporting Korean CMS-HI team CERN-CMS, US-CMS, CMS-HI, MIT, all are strongly supporting Korean CMS-HI team Univ. of Seoul and Seoul local government are investing $$ for computing resources Univ. of Seoul and Seoul local government are investing $$ for computing resources Specialized man powers are ready to work Specialized man powers are ready to work Hope KISTI become the national center and we want to be plugged in. Hope KISTI become the national center and we want to be plugged in. Hope to use KISTI Supercomm 4 too. Hope to use KISTI Supercomm 4 too. KREONET & GLORIAD are absolutely necessary, now! KREONET & GLORIAD are absolutely necessary, now!

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