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Things you need & things to help you in your English study Materials & Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Things you need & things to help you in your English study Materials & Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 things you need & things to help you in your English study Materials & Resources

2 You should make your own style of notes. For this, lines and squares are not good. Recommendation: brown notebook from Mujirushi (180 yen); or Sketch book by Maruman (180 yen), available at Amatrias, etc. Notebooks

3 You should make many notes. You should fill at least 1 notebook in the semester. Making notes helps you remember. Making notes in a different way of the same information helps even more. A good way is to take quick notes in a class; then make better notes after class on the opposite page. Notebooks 2

4 Visual mapping is a way to help you write things in a meaningful and attractive way. It helps you see the RELATIONSHIPS between things and ideas. Visual Mapping see the book “Mapping Inner Space”, by Margulies, Nancy Call no.: 153.1||Ma 51

5 An example (high school science)

6 Another science example

7 Lecture notes

8 If the notes are meaningful and useful for you, don’t worry what they look like. Your notebook should look different from other students’ notebooks. Make your own style

9 I give every student a file for the TALK system. If you’re lucky and have a big one, you may like to keep your B5 papers in the file. Anyway is OK, but make sure you don’t lose handouts. Files, folders

10 An English-English dictionary is very useful for your study. It’s important that definitions & explanations are easy to understand. Dictionaries

11 Oxford Learner’s Wordfinder Dictionary WordPower Fully-Bilingual Dictionary (Ei-Ei-Wa Jiten) Longman Essential Activator Longman Kirihara Shoten Gendai Ei-Ei Jiten Some good dictionaries

12 Most English books are on the third floor. English readers are usually in the 800’s (around 830) Search the library at: bin/limedio/limewwwopac/ The library

13 The tape library has many videos (mainly movies) There are a few DVDs, too. Some have English and Japanese subtitles (jimaku).Music DVDs are hidden. You need to search or ask. Search the tape library at: Tape library (language center)

14 Use English subtitles (at least sometimes) if available. Choose a short segment (2-5 minutes). Watch 10 times. Buy the Screenplay book (daihon, available in Kinokuniya). If you enjoy a movie, watch the same one 2 or 3 times. Learning English with movies: a few hints

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