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 Introduction by the Chair  Confirmation of public notice  Municipal overview of planning applications  Public comment  Council & public questions.

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Presentation on theme: " Introduction by the Chair  Confirmation of public notice  Municipal overview of planning applications  Public comment  Council & public questions."— Presentation transcript:

1  Introduction by the Chair  Confirmation of public notice  Municipal overview of planning applications  Public comment  Council & public questions * Please turn off all cell phones now, Thank you. FORMAT OF PUBLIC MEETING

2 110 Pine Street Zoning By-law Amendment Town File No. D14613 Public Meeting Date: December 2 nd, 2013

3 Owner: 1708545 Ontario Ltd. Date of Submission: October 25 th, 2013 Location:110 Pine Street Total Lot Area: Approximately 1012 sq.m

4 110 Pine Street Public Meeting Notice circulated on November 8 th, 2013

5 110 Pine Street – Aerial Photo, 2012 -

6 110 Pine Street Official Plan Designation Downtown Commercial  Residential units, primarily apartments, are permitted at a density of 100 units/ha.  Density allowed is 10 units.  Density proposed is 5 units.  Residential development proposed for sites within the primary street-related shopping area of the core shall be designed to minimize the loss of street and sidewalk frontage for retail purposes. DC-2

7 Downtown Core Commercial (C1) Dwelling units are permitted in a portion of a commercial building. Dwelling units shall be constructed entirely above the ground floor. Parking required for dwelling units in a significant heritage building is 0.25 spaces per unit. 110 Pine Street Existing Zoning Classification C1

8 110 Pine Street Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Purpose and Effect To rezone the land from the Downtown Core Commercial (C1) Zone to a Downtown Core Commercial Exception (C1-E) Zone.  To allow two (2) dwelling units on the ground floor of an existing building.  The other proposed three (3) dwelling units on the upper floors are already permitted and don’t require a zoning by-law amendment.  The min. parking required for all five (5) units would 2 spaces and 9 spaces are presently available.  Recognize the existing front yard setback of the building.  The max. setback allowed is 3.0m and the existing building is 4.1m.

9 Marcus Firman, C.P.U. – November 11 th, 2013 email This property has a 32 mm water meter and as such a service upgrade may not be required. The developer is to confirm that the existing service is suitable for the proposed use. Should the service require upgrading then the existing service must be removed and a new service provided at the developer’s cost. Tim Salkeld, N.V.C.A. – December 2 nd, 2013 letter This property is located in the Regional Storm spill zone and the flood fringe for the Town. NVCA recommends deferral of any approval until it has been demonstrated that the building is adequately elevated. As a minimum any building openings should be at least 0.3m above the centre line elevation of Pine Street. If the existing building is below this elevation the owner may wish to investigate whether the building can be retrofitted the ensure floodwaters cannot enter the building.

10 To receive notification of when applications are scheduled for consideration by Council: 1. Check the Town’s website for Postings and Agendas; 2. Email Clerks Services with request for Notice to: Sara Almas  Note: Council agenda’s are posted on the Town of Collingwood website ( the Friday before a (i.e., 3 days prior)

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