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Chapter 11 Part 5 Temporal Bone Paranasal Sinuses.

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1 Chapter 11 Part 5 Temporal Bone Paranasal Sinuses

2 Petrous Pyramids Dense portion on temporal bone Houses –___________

3 The Ear 3 Portions –External –Middle –Inner

4 External Ear ____________ Tragus __________

5 Middle Ear 3 parts –________________ –Tympanic __________ –_____________

6 Tympanic Cavity Contains ________________ Epitympanic recess (Attic) –_______________ Tympanic cavity proper –Larger –Inferior aspect –_________________ Passage from middle ear to _______________ Equalizes pressure

7 Ossicle Articulations _____________ –Attached to tympanic membrane –Receives vibrations and relates to ______________ –Transmits vibrations from Malleus and passes on to ____________ –Smallest –Transmits vibrations to oval window

8 Internal Ear Area of hearing and equilibrium Contains 2 parts –__________________ Area within the osseous labyrinth

9 Osseous Labyrinth 3 parts –_____________ For hearing Round window –_____________ Oval window –____________________ For equilibrium

10 Internal Acoustic Meatus Area of auditory and facial nerves _______________best to visualize

11 Mastoids Inferior portion of ___________ Mastoid air cells –Connects to middle ear from ________ by way of the __________ Due to this direct connection infection can reach ________________

12 Sinuses ________________ –Lined with mucus membranes Surrounding the nasal cavity All _______________ with each other by way of nasal cavity

13 Osteomeatal Complex Area where __________is collected Made of –__________- Nasal Conchae (Turbinates) –__________ – Spaces between conchae From the osteomeatal complex to the nasal cavities

14 Sinuses Con’t Maxillary (2) Frontal (usually 2) Ethmoid (Many) Sphenoid (1 or 2)

15 Maxillary Sinus “Antrum of Highmore” ________________ Located in the body of maxillary bones –Lateral to Nasal cavity Communicates to osteomeatal complex by way of _______________into middle nasal ____________ (Separated by uncinate process of ethmoid)

16 Frontal Sinus Located between ______________table of skull in frontal bone –Posterior to glabella Can have 2 (most common) or 1 large sinus –_______________ Communicate to osteomeatal complex by Ethmoid sinus through ______________

17 Ethmoid Sinus Located within the ethmoid bone _______________ Many _____________ –Anterior, middle, posterior collections Communicates with the osteomeatal complex directly by way of anterior collections and drains into ____________

18 Sphenoid Sinus Located in the body of the sphenoid bone –Inferior to __________ Can have ____________ Communicates to the osteomeatal complex by way of the _______________

19 Imaging the sinuses Routine ________________________ Waters (Parietoacanthial) PA Caldwell Right or Left Lateral SMV 40” SID 70-80 kVp

20 Waters Tip of chin on IR Nose ½ to 1” off ________________ perpendicular –OML forms 37° Mid sagittal line perpendicular CR to exit ___________________ Open mouth can show –_________________

21 PA Caldwell PA Projection, Upright __________________ –______________and OML Perpendicular Mid sagittal plane perpendicular CR to exit ______________

22 Lateral Right or left site dependant of area of interest or department protocol. Upright Place pt into anterior oblique _____________perpendicular to IR _______________to front of cassette CR to enter between ____________________

23 SMV Upright Tilt head back so ______________to IR Mid sagittal perpendicular CR to enter between _______________

24 CT Invasion Thin ________________ Better visualization of ___________ complex

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