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While Napoleon was ravaging Europe, what were some other events in world history?

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Presentation on theme: "While Napoleon was ravaging Europe, what were some other events in world history?"— Presentation transcript:

1 While Napoleon was ravaging Europe, what were some other events in world history?

2 What was the direct cause of the rebellions in Latin America in the first part of the 19c?: a) slave revolt in Haiti. b) the American Revolution. c) the French Revolution. d) the spread of Enlightenment ideas. e) Napoleon's invasion of Spain.

3 Congress of Vienna Keeps Europe calm until next big war... What is it???

4 But... Second Treaty of Paris - post Waterloo Borders reduced to 1790 French pay 700 million francs, are occupied by allies is this Bill Murray?

5 Holy Alliance Started with Tsar Alexander I of __________ maintain Christian principles in affairs largely pointless (unlike 4x alliance)

6 Timeline - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) France joins quadruple alliance - what’s the new name? Congresses of Troppau and Laibach (1820-21) - concerned intervention in Spain and Sicily to stop revolt Britain opposed both -- why?

7 European intervention in the Americas - why would the other nations need Britain? What was the Monroe Doctrine? U.S. + Britain allow many Latin American countries during this time to become independent

8 Greek Independence - Greeks rebel against the Turks, eventually aided by the Russians Belgian Independence - Belgians rebel against Dutch, eventually granted neutrality From all of this, we should get that conservatism is pushing off liberalism for quite some time


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