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C ONTROL OF GOVERNMENT A CTION Nigel Lo Founder & President International Magis Society.

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Presentation on theme: "C ONTROL OF GOVERNMENT A CTION Nigel Lo Founder & President International Magis Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 C ONTROL OF GOVERNMENT A CTION Nigel Lo Founder & President International Magis Society

2 L EARNING OBJECTIVES This lecture/keynote will help you to: Understand the basic concepts of natural justice (procedural fairness) & ultra vires. Understand your rights as a citizen of your country and entitlements to a fair review in every government decision making process.

3 P ART 1: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW The body of law that regulates fair decision making process of the government. Allows appeal towards an unjust decision. Adheres to the laws of natural justice and ultra vires.

4 W HEN DOES A DMINISTRATIVE LAW APPLY ? Everyday! Think about your driving license being suspended, your visa to visit another country denied, your application for a certain business license not approved. revoked-drivers-licenses.html


6 1.1 M ERITS R EVIEW : T HE RIGHT TO A PPEAL When a decision is made by the government, an applicant affected by that decision has the right to have that decision reviewed. The review process (known as merits review) is undertaken often by a review tribunal and allows for the decision to be analysed once again. The outcome may result in the decision to remain as it was or to be overturned if it is found that the decision was wrong, unjust or unlawful.

7 1.2 JUDICIAL REVIEW: TAKING IT TO COURT If you have exhausted your merits review options and still insist on taking the matter further, judicial review is your final option. Succeeding in judicial review may not result in the decision quashed, courts merely direct the review tribunals to remake the decision according to law. For example, courts do not have the power to grant you, your license.

8 1.3 P ROCEDURAL F AIRNESS Also known as natural justice. Requires a review process to allow an applicant a fair hearing/trial and be free from potential bias. bias/2006/10/16/1160850866620.html

9 1.4 ULTRA VIRES Original Latin meaning: Beyond the power Applies when a decision maker makes a decision that exceeds their scope of authority and power. Categories: - Abuse of Power - Self Fettering - Substantive Ultra Vires - Procedural Ultra Vires

10 1.5 REMEDIES It is always useful to keep in mind, the specific outcome you intend to achieve throughout the entire review process. The most common remedies in legal terms are: Certiorari Injunction Mandamus Prohibition Declaration

11 PART 2 RIGHTS AS A CITIZEN A right to vote in a democratic country A right to hold a passport A right to apply for social securities

12 2.1 VOTING

13 2.2 LIVING IN A COUNTRY Abiding by the laws Pledging to defend country if necessary

14 2.3 SOCIAL SECURITIES Criminal Compensation Low income housing Social welfare Basic Education Juvenile/ Prison System

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