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MNO Synod Overview of 2007 Financial Statements Presented to 12th Biennial Convention Dauphin, MB April 25, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "MNO Synod Overview of 2007 Financial Statements Presented to 12th Biennial Convention Dauphin, MB April 25, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 MNO Synod Overview of 2007 Financial Statements Presented to 12th Biennial Convention Dauphin, MB April 25, 2008

2 Two Types of Income Streams ► Unrestricted (towards operating budget)  Benevolence Remittances from Congregations  Special Appeals ► Toonie Sundays ► Second Mile Giving  Funding from other sources ► National Church re stewardship ► Restricted (also known as Directed Gifts)  Gifts for designated purposes ► CLWR, GHDA, Cameroon Appeal, etc.

3 General Benevolence Almost Flat-lined ► 1% increase from 2006 to 2007

4 Receipts from Special Appeals (In Support of Operating Budget) ► Down 30%

5 A Rough Guide as to how we spent operating funds in 2007 (see p.65) Where How much % Bishop Elaine and the staff $228,00035 People support (0ffice, travel) $73,60011 National Church $170,00026 LTS, Saskatoon $79,00012 Programming through Committees $78,00012 Luther Village $19,6003

6 Directed Gift Receipts in 2007 ($164,000) ► Two-thirds of giving directed to relief & development aid ► No change in total giving (2006-2007) Other GHDA & CLWR Flow through funding: gifts forwarded to various designated agencies

7 Additional Directed Giving ► $66,000 raised in 2007 ► Pastor Jack and Val in Cameroon overseeing projects

8 Other Financial Resources (p. 70) ► Approx. $180,000 (excluding Cameroon) ► 50% designated to mission development within MNO ► 18% is balance of First English Legacy funds used to launch LUM ► 8% is in a Seminary Student Aid fund

9 Internally Restricted Assets (see p. 71) ► Mostly small pools of funds set aside in previous years for set purposes ► Total available: approx. $63,000 ► Major increment in 2007  Gift from Faith, Winnipeg ($30,000)  Designated for new initiatives  Synod Council visioning process to determine use of funds received from Faith, Winnipeg.

10 Two Tales ► In Mission for Others  Designated giving remains strong  The Cameroon experience demonstrated room for growth ► Day to Day operations  2007 was a break even year  Margin for error is slim. Unrestricted reserves are almost depleted.  Re-establish “second-mile” giving

11 Other Ministries (p. 75) ► Wholly-owned subsidiaries  Luther Village  Lutheran Urban Mission ► MNO Foundation for Mission and Ministry

12 MNO Foundation ► Established with proceeds of sale of Sunrise Camp ► Additional bequests, gifts to enlarge the fund are welcomed ► Endowment stands at $191,000 ► Approximately $5,000 per year in interest is transferred to MNO Synod ► Funds used to support Youth and Mission- minded projects initiated by MNO congregations.

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