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By: Lindsey and Caroline Period 2. EarthKAM is a program created by Sally Ride Allows people to look at certain places on Earth Pictures taken from Space.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Lindsey and Caroline Period 2. EarthKAM is a program created by Sally Ride Allows people to look at certain places on Earth Pictures taken from Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Lindsey and Caroline Period 2

2 EarthKAM is a program created by Sally Ride Allows people to look at certain places on Earth Pictures taken from Space Earth Knowledge Acquired by M.S. students Picture taken from EarthKAM

3 Space shuttle fly in low earth orbit Altitude varies from 100-300 above Earth It takes 90 minutes to go around the globe The earth circles around the orbit 16-17 times a day Orbits circles close to the ground ISS

4 Google Earth’s picture of New Zealand. Pacific Ocean Land Cumulus

5 Latitude: 39.66 N Longitude: 18.55 E This is a picture of Italy from Google Earth Italy Altostratus Ionian Sea Land

6 This is Google Earth Picture of Australia Latitude: -26.88 S Longitude: 141.26 E Desert

7 This is on the East coast of Italy It has a 100% humidity Densely populated A lighthouse at Taranto, Italy

8 It is the second largest state Located in the Northeastern side Capital of Queen- Land is Brisbane Picture of Queensland, Australia Cumulus clouds Marina Resort

9 Small Country 4 million people Largely temperate climate. Pacific Ocean Cumulus clouds

10 Close to a Volcano in Libya, Africa Latitude: 26.40 Longitude12.11 Currently in political collapse GDP: $37.492 billion Relatively a Islamic Country Sand Dune Dessert

11 Latitude:-7.83 Longitude:-73.00 In South America Population: 30,135,875 Capitol: Lima Machu Picchu Roads Snow


13 "EarthKAM Image Gallery." EarthKAM Image Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2012. "Luxury yacht charter.. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2012. "NASA - Home." NASA - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. " Predict Weather - the home of long range weather." Predict Weather - the home of long range weather. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2012.

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