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Independence Movements in Latin America. The American and French Revolutions took place in the late 1700s. Within twenty years, the ideas and examples.

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1 Independence Movements in Latin America



4 The American and French Revolutions took place in the late 1700s. Within twenty years, the ideas and examples of these revolutions influenced the people of Latin America to establish independent nations, most notably in Haiti and Gran Columbia.

5 Toussaint L’Ouverture Haitian Revolution Born a slave Granted freedom in 1777 Formed his own army L’Ouverture- nickname meaning “the opening” Inspired by revolutions in France and America Led the revolt in Haiti Captured by Napoleon’s brother-in-law and dies in France on April 7, 1803

6 Contributions of Toussaint L’Ouverture Results: Defeated the armies of three foreign powers: Spain, France, and Britain. Abolished slavery Won independence Only successful slave revolt in history at establishing a self- governing nation

7 The Haitian Revolution 1791–1804 Very brutal insurrection


9 Simon Bolivar el Libertador Native-born resident who led revolutionary efforts After the death of his wife, he spent time in Paris and saw Napoleon crowned. Read the Enlightenment thinkers Began campaign to rebel against royalty after Napoleon started the Peninsular Campaign Influenced by Rousseau – people hurt by society so they are incapable of self-rule. Rejects classical liberalism – the ignorant masses need a strong ruler Supported a constitutional monarchy Hoped to unite with Venezuela and Columbia (Gran Columbia)


11 Simon Bolivar 1810: Columbia gains freedom Part of Gran Columbia in 1819 – GC is his ultimate goal 1828: Gran Columbia broke into various nations Is he a success story or a failure?

12 Monroe Doctrine 1823 Issued by American President James Monroe Primary Objective: to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America from European intervention and control.

13 What do you see here?

14 Monroe Doctrine 1823 Latin American nations were acknowledged as independent European efforts to colonize land/interfere within the Americas would be viewed by U.S. as acts of aggression requiring US intervention Asserted that the Western Hemisphere was not to be further colonized by European countries

15 Write Now….. How did the French and American Revolutions influence Latin American independence movements?

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