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DENSITY… Will it sink or float??. Why do some things float… … and other things sink?

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Presentation on theme: "DENSITY… Will it sink or float??. Why do some things float… … and other things sink?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DENSITY… Will it sink or float??

2 Why do some things float… … and other things sink?

3 NOT because it is lighter than the liquid… Some things float… Two men on a tree trunk… definitely not lighter than water

4 NOT because it is heavier than the liquid… And, some things sink… A small marble is not heavier than a beaker of water but it will still sink

5 The MASS AND the VOLUME!! So, density depends on… That’s why the wood (and men) don’t sink!!

6 volume = the amount of space an object takes up Some vocabulary background… Mass = the amount of stuff that an object has

7 That is why a heavy metal ship can float on water… Density = ratio of mass to the volume. even though the mass is big, the volume is big too!! Ratio means that density depends on both the mass AND the volume.

8 But, how do you calculate the density??? Density =mass volume

9 Sample problem What is the density of 50.0 g of a solid which occupies a volume of 6.4 mL? the mass = the volume= 50. 0 g 6.4 mL Density = mass volume D = 50.0 g / 6.4 mL D = 7.8 g / mL the equation=> the unknown= density

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