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I Survived The Sinking Of The Titanic Quiz

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Presentation on theme: "I Survived The Sinking Of The Titanic Quiz"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Survived The Sinking Of The Titanic Quiz
By: Kishan

2 Who was with George and his sister on the ship?
Their Aunt Their Uncle Their Grandpa Their Grandma

3 Why were they on the Titanic?
They wanted to see what it was like They were on a vacation They were going home to New York from England They were going to see a friend

4 Who designed the Titanic?
Mr. Burrows Mr. Smith Mr. Todd Mr. Andrews

5 Where was George when the ship hit the iceberg?
In a restaurant Near the mummy in the storage room In his cabin on his bed On the deck relaxing

6 Who helped save George when he jumped into the water and how did they help?
Enzo lifted him out of the water Mr. Andrews threw a float at him Marco helped save George by finding a door for him to float on Mr. Todd jumped into the water and help him swim to shore

7 What did Marco float on when he was in the water?
A boat A door A piece of wood A basket

8 Which ship were George and Marco saved by?
The Sapphire The Victoria The Carpathia The Scorpian

9 What ocean was the titanic on?
Pacific Arctic Atlantic Indian

10 Why did Marco have to go to the hospital after they got off the Carpathia?
Because his feet were frostbitten He broke his arm He got hurt when he jumped into the ocean A sea creature bit him

11 What did the mummy turn out to be?
A dead cat A dead dog Santa Clause Bear

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