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Presented by Janice Hermann, PhD, RD/LD OCES Adult and Older Adult Nutrition Specialist Nutrition for Older Adults Shopping Tips.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Janice Hermann, PhD, RD/LD OCES Adult and Older Adult Nutrition Specialist Nutrition for Older Adults Shopping Tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Janice Hermann, PhD, RD/LD OCES Adult and Older Adult Nutrition Specialist Nutrition for Older Adults Shopping Tips

2 Reduced Income and Nutrition

3 Many older adults have reduced income. Reduced income can affect diet quality.

4 Grocery Shopping Tips

5 Plan Plan meals Plan to use foods before they spoil Check food ads

6 Grocery Shopping Tips Check Keep a list Check food supplies Check coupons

7 Grocery Shopping Tips Write Grocery list Organize list with store layout

8 Grocery Shopping Tips Get Ready Pick grocery stores Take grocery list and coupons Avoid shopping when tired, hungry or rushed Avoid crowds

9 Grocery Shopping Tips At the store Stick to grocery list Compare prices Purchase only what you will use before it spoils

10 Grocery Shopping Tips At the store (continued) Buy larger amounts with others and split the cost Buy produce in season Frozen produce in bags allows you to use only the amount you want

11 Grocery Shopping Tips At the store (continued) Ask to have large meat or produce packages repacked Check “sell by” and “use by” dates Resist impulse purchases

12 Grocery Shopping Tips At home Handle and store food properly Large meat packages can be divided into smaller portions and frozen

13 Community Resources

14 Food stamps Senior meal sites Community meals or food banks

15 Summary Shop wisely Plan meals before you shop Check food supplies before you shop Write a grocery list Avoid shopping when rushed Compare prices when shopping Only buy the amount you can use and store safely Handle and store foods properly to reduce waste

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