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2 OPENER, WED—Sept. 15 TH Write the quote:Write the quote: –“If we all do just a little, it really DOES make a huge difference.” Write a PARAGRAPH reflection.Write a PARAGRAPH reflection. –WHAT does it mean to you? –HOW can it apply to your life? To School? To the world? –HOW does it apply to our ecology unit?

3 What’s your homework?!?! TEST... WHEN?!?!TEST... WHEN?!?! Finish up Ch ReviewFinish up Ch Review

4 16.5 CONSERVATION KEY CONCEPT Conservation methods can help protect and restore ecosystems!!!! SCORE Oyster restoration!!!

5 Sustainable development: management of resources for present and future generations!!!! Managing & using resources WISELY!Managing & using resources WISELY! –meet current needs –resources will still be available for future use

6 Industries involved: Timber, fishing, agriculture, development! Global fisheries have adopted several sustainable practices, 70% of fisheries in danger!!!Global fisheries have adopted several sustainable practices, 70% of fisheries in danger!!! rotation of catches: rotation of catches: fishing gear review: fishing gear review: harvest reduction: harvest reduction: fishing bans: fishing bans:

7 Technology – good and bad!! Pros Benefits to mankind Benefits to mankind Communication Communication Medical advances Medical advances Scientific research Scientific research Cons Pollution of air, water, etc. Pollution of air, water, etc. Use of resources Use of resources Habitat destruction Habitat destruction Excess waste generated Excess waste generated

8 Agricultural Technology: Crops: bigger, better, less erosionCrops: bigger, better, less erosion GOODGOOD Farm machineryFarm machinery uses non-renewable resourcesuses non-renewable resources BADBAD Ag. runoff & chemicalsAg. runoff & chemicals more fertilizers & pesticides!more fertilizers & pesticides! BADBAD

9 Industrial Technology Chemicals(CFCs)Chemicals(CFCs) deplete ozone layerdeplete ozone layer BADBAD Old equipmentOld equipment what do we do with it????what do we do with it???? BAD?BAD? Fossil fuelsFossil fuels increased greenhouse gases, global temp (BAD)increased greenhouse gases, global temp (BAD) Acid rain: ecosystem harm!!! (BAD)Acid rain: ecosystem harm!!! (BAD)

10 Alternative Energy Natural renewable energy: GOOD!Natural renewable energy: GOOD! wind, water, solar!wind, water, solar! Decreases f.f. burning, less pollution!!Decreases f.f. burning, less pollution!! Nuclear energy technology:Nuclear energy technology: no atmospheric pollution, but toxic wasteno atmospheric pollution, but toxic waste Hmmm…Hmmm…

11 Conservation practices benefit entire ecosystems –“listed” species (in trouble) IUCN website »Threatened, endangered, etc. –habitat is protected –other species protected in the ecosystem

12 Protecting Earth’s resources helps protect our future! U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) –created in 1970 –develops policies, regulations to protect envt. –Clean Air Act –Clean Water Act –Endangered Species Act protects individual species from extinctionprotects individual species from extinction

13 1. The National Park Service helps manage public lands. The park system includes over 390 areas, covering 84 million acres!! Go Visit Your Parks!!! What can we do?????

14 What else can we do????? –control population growth –develop sustainable technology and practices –protect and maintain ecosystems

15 Review!! –What is sustainability? –What are some industries practicing sustainably? –What is the fishing industry doing??? –How can advances in technology help and hurt the environment???

16 Review!! –What are some pros and cons of agricultural technology? –What are some pro’s and con’s of industrial technology? –What are some pro’s and con’s of alternative energy?? –What is an umbrella species? –What else is protected when a species “gets listed”??

17 Save the Earth Tree On your “leaf” card, write ONE tip for ORDINARY PEOPLE…LIKE STUDENTS AND TEACHERS…to help save the planetOn your “leaf” card, write ONE tip for ORDINARY PEOPLE…LIKE STUDENTS AND TEACHERS…to help save the planet We’ll make a TREE full of tips!We’ll make a TREE full of tips!

18 The Story of Stuff Jot down some notes during the video so we can talk about it after…things when you’re like “WHOA! I didn’t know that!”Jot down some notes during the video so we can talk about it after…things when you’re like “WHOA! I didn’t know that!”

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