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Cutting Food Waste Workshop: How to feed the world in 2050 Sustainable options for feeding a growing global population Toine Timmermans, 4 December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Cutting Food Waste Workshop: How to feed the world in 2050 Sustainable options for feeding a growing global population Toine Timmermans, 4 December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cutting Food Waste Workshop: How to feed the world in 2050 Sustainable options for feeding a growing global population Toine Timmermans, 4 December 2013

2 Food wastage: global & local Grower Processor Carrier DC retailer Retailer + consumer

3 Key messages cutting food waste  Public–private collaboration is the best way to approach a complex societal issue: global food & nutrition security as main driver  By improved awareness and (social) innovation approach in most cases at least 20-25% reduction is possible  To establish a coherence of EU-policies is crucial (sustainable food consumption, food safety, bioenergy, waste directive)  Prevention of consumer food waste should have highest priority in policies  Solutions to improve the whole supply chain, based on closed loop supply chain paradigm have the highest improvement potential (out-of-the box & new alliances)  Sense of urgency is essential for real commitments !

4 Practical tips to reduce food wastage  3 instant tips for consumers: Make a shopping list Measure your pasta and rice before cooking Eat your leftovers  Longer term effects: Trust on your own senses, the best-before-date is an indication, and products over best-before have no health risk Key message: communicate the value of food (in all dimensions: nutrition, pleasure, social, cultural, availability, accessibility, health, environmental, etc.)

5 20% less food wastage in 3 weeks

6 FUSIONS will enable, encourage, engage and support key actors across Europe in delivering a 50% reduction in food wastage and a 20% reduction in the food chains resource inputs by 2020. FUSIONS Project objectives Project duration: 48 months (2012 – 2016)

7 Project structure

8 Defining ”food” Defining ”food supply chain” Defining fractions to be monitored Terminology Food wastage Harmonised definitional framework

9 Exchange: Multi stakeholder Platform Adding value to existing (or to be established) transnational, national, regional, sectorial networks

10 Awareness is key !

11  To identify existing social innovation solutions that reduce waste  To test new social innovation ideas  To evaluate their impact on reducing waste Feasibility studies – Objectives

12 Quality of life: the hospitality sector Goal measurement tool: objective assessment of the relation between the serving concept and the effects on sustainability & quality of life Outcomes (‘Máx à la Carte’, Maxima Medisch Centrum, WageningenUR, 2010) : Food waste reduced to 2,5% (reference 26-60%) Appreciation quality of food increased (from 6 to 8)

13 Re-use food products from a supermarket

14 FoodBattle in action: start event

15 Thanks for your attention

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