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What can occupational health do for you? Presented by Mel Whitmore and Donna Dixon Director Yorkshire Occupational Health Consultancy.

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Presentation on theme: "What can occupational health do for you? Presented by Mel Whitmore and Donna Dixon Director Yorkshire Occupational Health Consultancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can occupational health do for you? Presented by Mel Whitmore and Donna Dixon Director Yorkshire Occupational Health Consultancy

2 Yorkshire Occupational Health Contents  What is occupational health?  What do we do?  The main health issues in construction  Health surveillance  A working example: silica dust  Any questions?

3 Yorkshire Occupational Health What is occupational health?  ‘Promotion and maintenance of the physical, mental and social well-being of workers, by preventing departures from health, controlling risks and the adaptation of work to people and people to their jobs’  WHO 1951

4 Yorkshire Occupational Health What do we do?  Look at the needs of a company and plan the service  Routine health surveillance based on risk assessment  Management referrals  Rehabilitation/ Return to Work programmes and advice  Provision of general Occupational Health advice and guidance  Consultation on policies and procedures relating to Occupational Health  Health education and health promotion programmes  Education and training on Occupational Health related topics eg: HAVS

5 Yorkshire Occupational Health What are the main health risk in the construction industry?  Back pain  Noise induced hearing loss  Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome  Skin disorders  Respiratory disorders

6 Yorkshire Occupational Health Our most common service for construction  Health surveillance for:  Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome  Noise induced hearing loss  Skin disorders  Respiratory disorders

7 Yorkshire Occupational Health An example: working through the steps for silica dust  How is it harmful  Who may be harmed  Health effects  Evaluating the risk  Prevention and control  Health surveillance

8 Yorkshire Occupational Health Some useful references Sorting out the risk assessment   Health and Safety in Construction  Five steps to risk assessment  Undertaking health surveillance at work  Silica: Construction information sheet Accessing occupational health help and advice 

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