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1 Developing Fire Department Safety Programs DuPage County Safety Officers Association.

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1 1 Developing Fire Department Safety Programs DuPage County Safety Officers Association

2 Developing Safety Programs2 Developing Your Program zNFPA 1500 gives guidance in our development of fire department safety programs. The 1997 edition spells out specific duties that need to be included in the department safety program. yYour departments requirements will differ from other programs, each department having special needs.

3 Developing Safety Programs3 Steps in Program Development z1. Obtain organizational commitment and support yChief through the newest firefighter xInjury and Death Statistics xUtilize case histories and individual department history xRisk management techniques xCost benefits of developing / implementing a safety program

4 Developing Safety Programs4 Steps in Program Development (NFPA 1500 2-1.1) z2. Create organizational statement and policy (NFPA 1500 2-1.1) yProvides the foundation for all elements of a departments operations. xDetails what services will be provided xDescribes how the department will prepare to meet these broad organizational goal. Training and other tools are mentioned here Safety in all aspects of department operations

5 Developing Safety Programs5 Steps in Program Development z3. Appoint Safety Officer yChief makes appointment yPerson should comply with the requirements of the NFPA 1521 Standard 1997 edition xFire Officer 1 Certification xBackground and experience in operations xKnowledge of common fireground hazards Does not have to be one individual Can combine fire scene operations and department safety management programs

6 Developing Safety Programs6 Steps in Program Development z4. Appoint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHSC) y Chief appoints committee made up of all levels of employment and representation xSafety Officer must be a member of the OHSC ySafety Officer does not have to be chairperson of committee xMay allow for objective view of the program

7 Developing Safety Programs7 Steps in Program Development z5. Development of Safety Rules and Policies yReview of work rules or SOG’s for aspects of safety yUtilize existing referenceable materials is key xNFPA xIFSTA xOSFM xDuPage County Safety Manual

8 Developing Safety Programs8 Steps in Program Development z6. Enforce Policies and Procedures yDiscipline is not part of this process xMay determine if accidents, injuries or other deviations from policy are preventable or unpreventable xAll meetings are official records and must be forwarded to the Chief after completion of meeting May post minutes and recommendations at stations

9 Developing Safety Programs9 Steps in Program Development z7. Practice Safety in All Actions yFireground yIn-station yTraining yGeneral duties xCorrect unsafe acts and conditions before an accident or injury results

10 Developing Safety Programs10 Typical Program Components zMedical Component yAnnual Physical yBack to Work Program yPre-employment yVaccinations yInjury evaluation

11 Developing Safety Programs11 Typical Program Components zEmployee Assistance Program ySubstance Abuse yCritical Incident Stress yFinancial yGeneral Mental Health yEmployee Incentives

12 Developing Safety Programs12 Typical Program Components zOperations yReview specifications yRecommend new purchases yReview operations yParticipate in development of SOG’s and revision of SOG’s yGeneral station safety inspections xQuarterly inspections recommended

13 Developing Safety Programs13 Does Your Program Need Help?? zFire Dept. Safety Officers Association zNFPA y1500, 1521, 1561, 1410, 1582 zIFSTA ySafety, Company Officer, Essentials zFire Engineering yBuilding Collapse, Building Construction, Safety and Survival on Fireground zDuPage County Safety Officers Assoc..

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