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Fire Hose, Nozzles, Streams, and Foam
Skill Drills
Objectives (1 of 2) 16 Replace the swivel gasket.
Perform one- and two-fire fighter methods of coupling and uncoupling fire hose. Uncouple a hose with spanners. Connect two lines with damaged coupling. Clean hoses. Mark a defective hose. Perform the straight, single donut, twin donut, and self-locking twin donut hose rolls. Perform forward, reverse and split lays. Perform flat, horseshoe, and accordian loads. Attach a soft suction hose to a fire hydrant. Load and advance the preconnected flat load.
Objectives (2 of 2) 16 Advance a hose line up and down stairways.
Advance an uncharged hose line up a ladder. Use a hose stream from a ladder. Connect to a standpipe system. Advance from a standpipe. Replace a hose section. Drain a hose and carry. Operate a smooth bore and fog nozzle. Place a foam line in service. Perform the sweep, bankshot and rain-down methods of applying foam.
Skill Drill 16-1 Replacing the Swivel Gasket
Step 3: Using the thumb, push the remaining unseated portions into the coupling until the entire gasket is properly positioned against the coupling seat. Step 1: Fold the new gasket, bringing the thumb and forefinger together, creating two loops. Step 2: Place either of the two loops into the coupling and against the gasket seat.
16 Skill Drill 16-2 Performing the One-Fire Fighter Foot-Tilt Method of Coupling a Fire Hose Step 1: Place one foot on the hose behind the male coupling. Push down with your foot to tilt the male coupling upward. Step 2: Place one hand behind the female coupling and grasp the hose.
16 Skill Drill 16-2 Performing the One-Fire Fighter Foot-Tilt Method of Coupling a Fire Hose Step 3: Place the other hand on the coupling swivel. Bring the two couplings together and align the Higbee indicators. Rotate the swivel in a clockwise direction to connect the hoses.
16 Skill Drill 16-3 Performing the Two-Fire Fighter Method for Coupling a Fire Hose Step 1: Pick up the male end of the coupling. Grasp it directly behind the coupling and hold it tightly against the body. Step 2: The second fire fighter holds the female coupling firmly with both hands.
16 Skill Drill 16-3 Performing the Two-Fire Fighter Method for Coupling a Fire Hose Step 3: The second fire fighter brings the female coupling to the male coupling. Step 4: The second fire fighter aligns the female coupling with the male coupling. Use the Higbee indicator for easy alignment.
16 Skill Drill 16-3 Performing the Two-Fire Fighter Method for Coupling a Fire Hose Step 5: The second fire fighter turns the female coupling counterclockwise until it clicks. This indicates the threads are aligned. Step 6: Turn the female coupling clockwise to couple the hoses.
16 Skill Drill 16-4 Performing the One-Fire Fighter Knee-Press Method of Uncoupling a Fire Hose Step 1: Pick up the connection by the female coupling end. Step 2: Turn the connection upright, resting the male coupling on a firm surface.
16 Skill Drill 16-4 Performing the One-Fire Fighter Knee-Press Method of Uncoupling a Fire Hose Step 3: Place a knee on the female coupling and with body weight press down. Turn the female swivel counterclockwise and loosen the coupling.
Skill Drill 16-5 Performing the Two-Fire Fighter Stiff-Arm Method
Step 1: Two fire fighters face each other and firmly grasp their respective coupling. Step 2: With elbows locked straight, the fire fighters push towards each other.
Skill Drill 16-5 Performing the Two-Fire Fighter Stiff-Arm Method
Step 3: While pushing towards each other, the fire fighters turn the coupling counterclockwise, loosening the coupling.
Skill Drill 16-6 Uncoupling Hose with Spanners
Step 1: With the connection on the ground, straddle connection above the female coupling. Step 2: Place one spanner wrench on the female coupling with handle to the left.
Skill Drill 16-6 Uncoupling Hose with Spanners
Step 3: Place the second spanner wrench on the male coupling with the handle to the right. Step 4: Push both spanner handles down toward the ground, loosening the connection.
Skill Drill 16-7 Connect Two Lines with Damaged Coupling
Using a hose jacket, open the hose jacket and place the damaged coupling in one end. Place the second coupling in the other end of the jacket. Close the hose jacket, ensuring that the latch is secure.
Skill Drill 16-8 Cleaning a Hose That is Dirty or Contaminated
Lay the hose out flat. Rinse the hose with water. Gently scrub the hose with mild detergent, paying attention to soiled areas. Turn over the hose and repeat steps two and three. Give a final rinse to the hose with water. Hang the hose and allow it to dry before properly storing it.
Skill Drill 16-9 Marking a Defective Hose
Inspect the hose for defects. Upon finding a defect, mark the area on the hose and remove the hose from service. Tag the hose as defective with a description of the defect, take out of service and notify your superiors.
Skill Drill 16-10 Rolling a Straight Hose Roll
Step 1: Lay the length of hose to be rolled flat and straight. Step 2: Begin by folding the male coupling over on top of the hose.
Skill Drill 16-10 Rolling a Straight Hose Roll
Step 3: Roll the hose to the female coupling. Step 4: Set the hose roll on its side and tap any protruding hose flat with a foot.
Skill Drill 16-11 Performing a Single Donut Roll
Step 1: Place the hose flat and in a straight line. Step 2: Locate the mid-point of the hose.
Skill Drill 16-11 Performing a Single Donut Roll
Step 3: From the mid-point, move 5' toward the male coupling end. Start rolling the hose toward the female coupling. Step 4: At the end of the roll, wrap the excess hose of the female end over the male coupling to protect the threads.
Skill Drill 16-12 Twin Donut Roll
Step 1: Lay the hose flat and in a straight line. Step 2: Bring the male coupling alongside the female coupling.
Skill Drill 16-12 Twin Donut Roll
Step 3: Fold the far end over and roll toward the couplings, creating a double roll. Step 4: The roll can be carried by hand, rope, or strap.
Skill Drill 16-13 Performing a Self-Locking Twin Donut
Step 1: Lay the hose flat and bring the coupling alongside each other. Step 2: Move one side of the hose over the other creating a loop. This loop creates the carrying shoulder loop.
Skill Drill 16-13 Performing a Self-Locking Twin Donut
Step 3: Bring the loop back toward the couplings to the point where the hose crosses. Step 4: From the point where the hose crosses, begin to roll the hose toward the couplings with the loop as its center. This creates a loop on each side of the roll.
Skill Drill 16-13 Performing a Self-Locking Twin Donut
Step 5: On completion of the rolling, position the couplings on the top of the rolls. Step 6: Position the loops so one is larger than the other. Then pass the larger loop over the couplings and through the smaller loop.
Skill Drill 16-14 Performing a Forward Hose Lay
The fire apparatus should stop within about 10' of the hydrant. Grasp enough hose to reach to the hydrant and to loop around the hydrant. Step off the apparatus with the hydrant wrench and all necessary tools. Loop the end of the hose around the hydrant or secure the hose as specified in the SOP. Ensure that you are not between the hose and the hydrant. Never stand on the hose. Signal the driver/operator to proceed to the fire once the hose is secured.
Skill Drill 16-14 Performing a Forward Hose Lay
Once the apparatus has moved off and a length of supply line has been removed from the apparatus and is lying on the ground, the fire fighter should remove the appropriate size hydrant cap nearest to the fire. Follow local SOP for checking the operating condition of the hydrant. Attach the supply hose to the outlet. An adaptor may be needed if a large diameter hose with Stortz-type couplings is used. Attach the hydrant wrench to the hydrant.
Skill Drill 16-14 Performing a Forward Hose Lay
The driver/operator should uncouple the hose and attach the end of the supply line to the pump inlet or clamps the hose close to the pump, depending on local SOPs. The driver/operator should signal to charge the hose by prearranged hand signal, radio, or air horn. Slowly open the hydrant completely. Follow the hose back to the engine and remove any kinks from the supply line.
Skill Drill 16-16 Performing a Reverse Lay
Pull sufficient hose to reach from the supply engine to the inlet of the attack engine. Anchor the hose to a stationary object if possible. Wrapping a portion of the hose around the front wheels of the attack engine is one possible method and a tree is another. DO NOT stand between the hose and the stationary object. The driver/operator of the supply engine drives away, laying out hose from the attack engine to the fire hydrant or other static water source. Connect the supply line to the inlet of the attack engine.
Skill Drill 16-16 Performing a Reverse Lay
The driver of the supply engine should uncouple the supply hose from the hose remaining in the hose bed and attach the supply hose to the discharge side of the supply engine. The driver/pump operator will then connect the supply engine to the hydrant or water source.The four-way hydrant valve can be used here if needed to boost the supply pressure. Upon signal from the attack engine, the supply engine operator should charge the supply line.
Skill Drill 16-17 Performing a Split Hose Lay
The driver of the first arriving engine company will stop at the intersection or driveway entrance. Remove the supply line from the hose bed and anchor it in a kneeling position. The driver should proceed slowly towards the structure fire. Either proceed by foot to the structure fire or wait at the intersection for the supply engine. Check with local SOPs. If the supply engine returns to the structure fire, the supply engine needs to stop and connect the supply hose to the hose end laid in the street by the attack engine. If the supply engine remained at the intersection, anchor the supply line from the second engine company. After the hose is laid to a hydrant, connect the two lines to form one supply line.
Skill Drill 16-17 Performing a Split Hose Lay
The driver of the attack engine will start pumping water from the booster tank and also connects the supply hose to the pump intake. The driver of the supply engine should position the apparatus at the hydrant according to local SOPs. Then, the driver of the supply engine should pull off hose from the hose bed until the next coupling. The hose is broken at this connection and is connected to the pump discharge. Check with local SOPs. Upon signal from the attack engine, the supply engine operator will charge the supply line.
Skill Drill 16-18 Performing a Flat Hose Load
Step 1: To set up the hose for a forward lay, place the male hose coupling in the hose bed first. To set up the hose for a reverse lay, place the female hose coupling in the hose bed first.
Skill Drill 16-18 Performing a Flat Hose Load
Step 2: Start the hose lay with the coupling at the back end of the hose compartment. Step 3: Fold the hose back on itself at the front of the hose bed.
Skill Drill 16-18 Performing a Flat Hose Load
Step 4: Run the hose back to the rear on top of the previous length of hose. Fold the hose back on itself so the top of the hose is on the previous length.
Skill Drill 16-18 Performing a Flat Hose Load
Step 5: While laying the hose back to the front of the hose bed, angle the hose to the side of the previous fold.
Skill Drill 16-18 Performing a Flat Hose Load
Step 6: Continue to lay the hose in neat folds until the whole hose bed is covered with a layer of hose. Continue to load the layers of hose until the required amount of hose is loaded.
Skill Drill 16-19 Performing a Horseshoe Hose Load
Step 1: For a forward lay, start with the male coupling in the rear corner of the hose bed. For a reverse lay, start with the female coupling in the rear corner of the hose bed.
Skill Drill 16-19 Performing a Horseshoe Hose Load
Step 2: Lay the first length of hose on its edge against the right or left wall or the hose bed. Step 3: At the front of the hose bed, lay the hose across the width of the bed and continue down the opposite side toward the rear.
Skill Drill 16-19 Performing a Horseshoe Hose Load
Step 4: When the hose reaches the rear of the hose bed, fold the hose back on itself and continue laying it back toward the front of the hose bed. Keep the hose tight to the previous row of hose around the hose bed until it is back to the rear on the starting side. Fold the hose back on itself again and continue packing the hose tight to the previous row.
Skill Drill 16-19 Performing a Horseshoe Hose Load
Step 5: Continue to pack the hose on the first layer. Each fold of hose will decrease the amount of space available inside of the horseshoe. Once the center of the horseshoe is filled in, begin a second layer by bringing the hose from the rear of the hose bed and laying it around the perimeter of the hose bed. Complete additional layers using the same pattern as you did for the first layer. Finish the hose load with any adaptors or appliances used by your department.
Skill Drill 16-20 Performing an Accordion Hose Load
Step 1: Lay the first length of hose in the hose bed on its edge against the side of the hose bed. Step 2: Double the hose back on itself at the front of the hose bed. Leave the female end extended so that the two hose beds can be cross-connected.
Skill Drill 16-20 Performing an Accordion Hose Load
Step 3: Lay the hose next to the first length and bring it to the front of the hose bed. Fold the hose at the front of the hose bed so the bend is even to the edge of the hose bed. Continue to lay folds of hose across the hose bed.
Skill Drill 16-20 Performing an Accordion Hose Load
Step 4: Alternate the length of the hose folds at each end to allow more room for the folded ends. When the bottom layer is completed, angle the hose upward to begin the second tier. Continue the second layer by repeating the steps you used to complete the first layer.
Skill Drill 16-21 Attaching a Soft Suction Hose to a Fire Hydrant
Step 1: The driver/operator positions the apparatus so that its inlet is the correct distance from the hydrant. Step 2: Remove the hose, any needed adaptors, and the hydrant wrench.
Skill Drill 16-21 Attaching a Soft Suction Hose to a Fire Hydrant
Step 3: Attach the soft suction hose to the inlet of the engine. Step 4: Unroll the hose.
Skill Drill 16-21 Attaching a Soft Suction Hose to a Fire Hydrant
Step 5: Remove the large hydrant cap. Step 6: Attach the soft suction hose to the hydrant.
Skill Drill 16-21 Attaching a Soft Suction Hose to a Fire Hydrant
Step 7: Ensure that there are no kinks or sharp bends in the hose that will restrict the flow of water. Step 8: Open the hydrant slowly when so indicated by the driver/operator. Check all connections for leaks. Tighten if necessary.
Skill Drill 16-21 Attaching a Soft Suction Hose to a Fire Hydrant
Step 9: Place chafing blocks under the hose where it contacts the ground to prevent mechanical abrasion.
Skill Drill 16-25 Loading the Preconnected Flat Load
Step 1: Attach the female end of the hose to the preconnect discharge. Step 2: Begin laying the hose flat in the hose bed.
Skill Drill 16-25 Loading the Preconnected Flat Load
Step 3: When about one-third of the hose is in the bed, make an 8" loop at the end of the hose bed. This loop will be used as a pulling handle. When two-thirds of the hose is loaded, make a second pulling loop that is about twice the size of the first loop. Step 4: Finish loading the hose, attach the nozzle, and place it on top of the hose bed. The preconnected flat load is now ready for use.
Skill Drill 16-26 Advancing the Preconnected Flat Hose Load
Step 1: Place arm through the larger lower loop. Grasp the smaller loop with the same hand. Step 2: Grasp the nozzle with the opposite hand.
Skill Drill 16-26 Advancing the Preconnected Flat Hose Load
Step 3: Pull the load from the bed. Step 4: Walk away from the vehicle.
Skill Drill 16-26 Advancing the Preconnected Flat Hose Load
Step 5: As the load deploys, drop the small loop. Extend the remaining hose to length.
Skill Drill 16-33 Advancing a Hose Line Up a Stairway
Step 1: Use a shoulder carry to advance up the stairs. Step 2: When ascending the stairway, lay the hose against the outside of the stairs to reduce tripping hazards. Avoid sharp bends.
Skill Drill 16-33 Advancing a Hose Line Up a Stairway
Step 3: Arrange excess hose so that it is available to fire fighters entering the fire floor.
Skill Drill 16-34 Advancing a Hose Line Down a Stairway
Advance a charged hose line. Descend stairs feet first. Position fire fighters at areas where hose lines could snag.
Skill Drill 16-35 Advancing an Uncharged Hose Line Up a Ladder
Step 1: Advance the hose line to the ladder. Step 2: Pick up the nozzle; place the hose across your chest with the nozzle draped over your shoulder.
Skill Drill 16-35 Advancing an Uncharged Hose Line Up a Ladder
Step 3: Climb up the ladder with the uncharged hose line.
Skill Drill 16-35 Advancing an Uncharged Hose Line Up a Ladder
Step 4: Once the first fire fighter reaches the first fly section of the ladder, a second fire fighter should shoulder the hose to assist advancing the hose line up the ladder. To avoid overloading of the ladder, limit one fire fighter per fly section.
Skill Drill 16-35 Advancing an Uncharged Hose Line Up a Ladder
Step 5: The nozzle is placed over the top rung of the ladder and advanced into the fire area.
Skill Drill 16-35 Advancing an Uncharged Hose Line Up a Ladder
Step 6: Additional hose can be fed up the ladder until sufficient hose is in position. The hose can be secured to the ladder with a hose strap to support its weight and keep it from becoming dislodged.
Skill Drill 16-36 Operating a Fire Hose From a Ladder
Climb the ladder with a hose line to the height at which the line will be operated. Apply a leg lock or use a ladder belt. Place the hose between two rungs and secure the hose to the ladder with a rope hose tool, rope, or piece of webbing. Carefully operate the hose stream from the ladder. Be careful when opening and closing nozzles and redirecting the stream because of the nozzle back-pressure. This force could destabilize the ladder.
16 Skill Drill Connecting a Hose Line to Supply a Fire Department Connection Locate the fire department connection to the standpipe or sprinkler system. Extend a hose line from the engine discharge to the fire department connection using the size hose required by the fire department’s SOPs. Some fire departments use a single hose line, while others call for two or more lines to be connected. Remove the caps on the standpipe inlet. Some caps are threaded into the connections and have to be unscrewed. Other caps are designed to break away when struck with a tool such as a hydrant wrench or spanner.
16 Skill Drill Connecting a Hose Line to Supply a Fire Department Connection Visually inspect the interior of the connection to ensure that there is no debris that could obstruct the water flow. Never stick your hand or fingers inside the connections; fire fighters have been injured from broken glass or needles inside these connections. Attach the hose line(s) to the connection(s). Notify the driver/operator when the connection has been completed.
16 Skill Drill Connecting and Advancing an Attack Line From a Standpipe Outlet Carry a standpipe hose bundle to the standpipe connection below the fire. Remove the cap from standpipe. Attach the proper adaptor or appliance such as a gated wye. Flake the hose up the stairs to the floor above the fire. Extend the hose to the fire floor and prepare for your fire attack.
Skill Drill 16-39 Replacing a Hose Section
Shut down or clamp off damaged line. Remove damaged section of hose. Replace with two sections to insure length will be adequate. Restore water flow.
Skill Drill 16-40 Drain Hose and Carry
Step 1: Lay the section of hose straight on a flat surface. Step 2: Start at one end of the section and lift the hose to shoulder level.
Skill Drill 16-40 Drain Hose and Carry
Step 3: Moving down the length of hose, fold it back and forth over your shoulder. Step 4: Continue down the length until the entire section is on your shoulder.
Skill Drill 16-41 Operating a Smooth Bore Nozzle
Step 1: Select the desired tip size and attach to nozzle shut-off valve. Step 2: Obtain a stable stance (if standing).
Skill Drill 16-41 Operating a Smooth Bore Nozzle
Step 3: Slowly open the valve, allowing water to flow. Step 4: Open the valve completely to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Skill Drill 16-41 Operating a Smooth Bore Nozzle
Step 5: Direct the stream to the desired location.
Skill Drill 16-42 Operating a Fog Nozzle
Step 1: Obtain a stable stance (if standing). Step 2: Slowly open the valve allowing water flow.
Skill Drill 16-42 Operating a Fog Nozzle
Step 3: Open the valve completely. Step 4: Select the desired water pattern, by rotating the bezel of the nozzle. Apply water where needed.
Skill Drill 16-43 Placing a Foam Line in Service
Step 1: Make sure all necessary equipment is available. This includes an in-line foam eductor, foam concentrate, and an air aspirating nozzle. Ensure that there is enough foam concentrate available to suppress the fire. Fire fighters should be wearing all of their PPE.
Skill Drill 16-43 Placing a Foam Line in Service
An attack line needs to be procured and the nozzle removed and replaced with the air aspirating nozzle. The in-line eductor is placed in the hose line no more than 150’ from the nozzle. Place foam concentrate container(s) next to the eductor, check the percentage that the foam concentrate should be used at (found on container label), and set the metering device on the eductor accordingly.
Skill Drill 16-43 Placing a Foam Line in Service
Place the pick-up tube from eductor into the foam concentrate making sure to keep both items at similar elevations to ensure sufficient induction of foam concentrate. Charge hose line with water, ensuring there is a minimum of 200 psi at the eductor. Flow water through the hose line until foam starts to come out of the nozzle. The hose line is now ready to be advanced onto burning flammable liquids. Apply foam using one of the three application methods (sweep technique, bankshot technique, rain-down technique) depending upon the situation.
Skill Drill 16-44 Performing the Sweep Method of Applying Foam
Open the nozzle and test to ensure that foam is being produced. Move into a safe range of the product and open the nozzle. Direct the stream of foam onto the ground just in front of the pool of product. Allow the foam to roll across the top of the pool of product until it is completely covered. Be aware that the fire fighters may have to change positions along the spill in order to adequately cover the entire pool.
Skill Drill 16-45 Performing the Bankshot Method
Open the nozzle and test to ensure that foam is being produced. Move into a safe range of the product and open the nozzle. Direct the stream of foam onto a solid structure such as a wall or metal tank so that the foam is directed off the object and onto the pool of product. Allow the foam to flow across the top of the pool of product until it is completely covered. Be aware that the fire fighters may have to bank the foam off several areas of the solid object in order to extinguish the burning product.
Skill Drill 16-46 Performing the Rain-Down Method
Open the nozzle and test to ensure that foam is being produced. Move into a safe range of the product and open the nozzle. Direct the stream of foam into the air so that the foam breaks apart in the air and falls onto the pool of product. Allow the foam to flow across the top of the pool of product until it is completely covered. Be aware that the fire fighters may have to move to several locations and shoot the foam into the air in order to extinguish the burning product.
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