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LOGO Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Conferencing and Feedback.

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2 LOGO Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Conferencing and Feedback

3 Effective Feedback Loop Actions Clarify NeedsValue Feedback should offer information that provides insight for the purpose of improving performance.

4 Power Questions DirectingFacilitatingCoachingReflecting Robyn Jackson. 2008. Least …………….. to ……………….. Most Collaborative Conference


6 Robyn Jackson. 2008 CHANGES DIRECTING Focus on evidence Provide rationale for directives Discuss specific student impact Outline specific improvement steps Be sincere, caring, interested, and supportive Empower the principal to implement improvement plan Identify data and timelines for checking progress

7 Robyn Jackson. 2008 CORRECTIONS COACHING Focus on evidence Discuss specific behaviors to improve Make recommendations Ask for ideas Discuss specific impact on students Collaborate on improvement goals Plan together for next steps Provide follow-up and support

8 Robyn Jackson. 2008 CONNECTIONS REFLECTING Listen Make suggestions for extending, broadening and enriching Use personal experiences and examples Allow for principal choice in improvement activities Encourage risk-taking Provide follow-up and support

9 COMMITMENT FACILITATING Robyn Jackson. 2008 Why did you make that instructional decision? How do you know students are learning? How could you improve this lesson next time? Whose needs does your class best serve? How did you use the formative assessment results?

10 Site Visit Documentation Provides insight into: Performance Standards Professional Growth, Student Growth, Working Conditions Goals Facilitates meaningful formative conversations

11 LOGO Thank you! It is recommended that the training module PPGES: Conducting Meaningful Site Visits be viewed as a companion to this module.

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