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Indulge into Mathematics Mrs. Puckett 3 rd Grade Winter 2010.

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2 Indulge into Mathematics Mrs. Puckett 3 rd Grade Winter 2010

3 Description Do you hate math? Do you hate math? Do you think it’s boring? Do you think it’s boring? Is it hard to understand? Is it hard to understand? Why? Why? ~This is a computer based technology application that includes 3 rd grade mathematics and can be done with a class or with an individual student. ~It is interactive learning by using different media tools to present instructional materials. ~Internet and computer access is needed.

4 Audience Age: 8 or 9 years Grade: 3 rd Students understand basic math computation and symbols. Students understand basic math computation and symbols. Students are developing their solving problem skills by applying appropriate strategies. Students are developing their solving problem skills by applying appropriate strategies. Students are developing skills to translate information into mathematical language and symbols and then process the information. Students are developing skills to translate information into mathematical language and symbols and then process the information. Students are developing skills to reason mathematically by investigating ideas, construction their own learning and justify their thinking. Students are developing skills to reason mathematically by investigating ideas, construction their own learning and justify their thinking.

5 Objectives NS1.7 The students will explain and use the processes and properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, including correct notations and representations. The students will explain and use the processes and properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, including correct notations and representations.NS1.18 The students will immediately recall and use addition and subtraction facts. The students will immediately recall and use addition and subtraction facts.NS1.19 The students will immediately recall and use multiplication facts, products to 100. The students will immediately recall and use multiplication facts, products to 100.NS1.20 The students will recall division facts through the 10s. The students will recall division facts through the 10s.NS9.1 The students will link new concepts to prior knowledge. The students will link new concepts to prior knowledge.

6 Pre-Test Question #1 What do get when you add numbers together? a) a higher number a) a higher number b) a lower number b) a lower number c) the same number c) the same number

7 Sorry, that answer is wrong. Please try again.

8 Correct! When numbers are added together, the answer (sum) gets larger.

9 What do you get when you subtract numbers? a) a higher number a) a higher number b) a lower number b) a lower number c) the same number c) the same number Pre-Test Question #2

10 Sorry, that answer is wrong. Please try again.

11 Correct! When numbers are subtracted, the answer (difference) gets smaller.

12 Pre-Test Question #3 What is the answer to a multiplication problem? a) sum a) sum b) difference b) difference c) product c) product

13 Sorry, that answer is wrong. Please try again.

14 Correct! The answer to a multiplication problem is the product.

15 Addition When we put numbers together, we are joining to create a higher number. If you like adding, follow me to this great website that is sure to help you practice sums. Adding Games

16 More Addition Remember to use your “dots” when adding. Take the highest number and count up. 5 + 4 _________________________________

17 Subtraction Need help remembering what to do? Remember to start from the top and count backwards. Remember to start from the top and count backwards. Also remember to line up digits neatly and count carefully. Also remember to line up digits neatly and count carefully. Follow me to this next website for more practice on subtracting! You will be a pro in no time! Subtracting Games Subtracting Games

18 More Subtracting Watch this video about subtracting. This is called a “circling problem”. Click to Start

19 Multiplication Think about it like this: Multiplication is just. Multiplication is just repeated addition. You could also solve multiplication by drawing. by drawing circles and dots. Want help memorizing the multiplication table? Follow me to: Multiplication Games Multiplication Games

20 More multiplication Remember that there are a variety of ways to solve multiplication problems. Don’t forget about drawing an array. 3x5 OOOOO

21 Resources ~This website offers a variety of math puzzles and games for students. There are even math lessons that are designed for specific topics in math within all grade levels. ~This website is geared for teachers and students. It has an online grade book, printable worksheets and quiz makers for the teacher. It also has a variety of games and activities for the students. ~This is a free website for students that is especially designed for playing online math games. It has a variety of topic areas and multiple applications within each area.

22 Evaluation Click here to print Click here to print Complete and turn in. Use any resources available.

23 Reference Clip art retrieved from: Discovery Education (2010). Motivation station. Retrieved February 6, 2010 from the World Wide Web: Photosearch (2010). Subtraction clip art and illustrations. Retrieved February 14, 2010 from the World Wide Web: Audio narrative created by: StepVoice Recorder Version 1.4 Copyright © 2003-2004 Step Voice Software (Slides 2, 3, 16 and 17)

24 Beta Testing Learner #1: This is a male, age 8 who is in the 3 rd grade. Reactions: The learner thought that the multimedia activity was “neat” and it was easy to follow. Learner #2: This is a male, age 11 who is in the 5 th grade. Reactions: The learner thought that the multimedia activity was “easy” and the YouTube video was “funny”. Learner #3: This is a female, age 9 who is in the 3 rd grade. Reactions: The learner thought that the multimedia activity was “awesome” and “everyone in class should use this”. Conclusion: The transitions from slide to slide worked well. The instruction within the PowerPoint kept the learners engaged. All applications worked well and instructions were given if needed.

25 Design Thoughts ADA/508 Compliance There are a variety of media resources available within this application. There are a variety of media resources available within this application. There is visual, audio and internet interactions integrated within all slides. There is visual, audio and internet interactions integrated within all slides. The use of involving many different media outlets is so that it may accommodate all learning styles. The use of involving many different media outlets is so that it may accommodate all learning styles. Different medias can be turned on or off or repeated for optimal impact. Different medias can be turned on or off or repeated for optimal impact. This computer based learning modules is geared to meet the needs of all students. This computer based learning modules is geared to meet the needs of all students.

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