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Government Isn’t Broken: How to Work the System and Beat the Odds A Presentation from Stephanie Vance, the Advocacy Guru.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Isn’t Broken: How to Work the System and Beat the Odds A Presentation from Stephanie Vance, the Advocacy Guru."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Isn’t Broken: How to Work the System and Beat the Odds A Presentation from Stephanie Vance, the Advocacy Guru

2 Topics Factors of Influence The Basics of Effective Advocacy The Top 10 Things NOT to Say The One Thing that ALWAYS Works

3 But first a short quiz… (with fabulous prizes!) How many times is the phrase “School Libraries” mentioned in bills in the Pennsylvania ? How many bills total are normally introduced in an Illinois General Assembly session? What percentage pass? How many people does a member of the Illinois House typically represent? How long is the typical meeting with an elected official?

4 What is “Advocacy”? When in doubt, turn to Wikipedia Wikipedia “Advocacy is the pursuit of influencing outcomes — including public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions — that directly affect people’s current lives. (Cohen, 2001)”

5 Factors of Influence Given this context, what factors do you think influence an elected official?

6 Factors of Influence

7 Potential Factors: Personal _______________ – Friends – Staff – Family Jobs / ____________ Issues in Their Districts The _______________ ___________________??? The ________________ Their Own ____________ and Passions MOST IMPORTANT Their _____________ Representative Democracy reflects and amplifies the POWER of the Grassroots

8 But don’t just take my word for it!

9 Breaking Through the Chaos: Four Keys to Successful Advocacy What do you want? Who should you ask? How should you ask? How should you follow-up?

10 What Do You Want?: Make the Ask!

11 Two Kinds of Asks: Policy Related and Relationship Building Policy-related – Support for a bill – Support for funding initiative – Support for change in policies Relationship Building – Newsletter Article – Public Statement – One minute or five minute speech – Site visit – Website statement

12 The Spectrum of Asks Will you make a statement? Some cost Limited opposition Some self benefit Will you come to a lunch? Low cost Low opposition Self benefit Will you vote for this controversial bill? High cost High opposition ? Self-benefit

13 The Hardest Asks Cost (Money, Time, Reputation) Opposition Limited Self- Benefit HARDEST Hard

14 Policy Asks (Examples) Support funding for school libraries Demonstrate support for school library leaders through resolutions Ensure that laws designed to protect children (lead laws, e.g.) are both reasonable and effective Provide additional resources for Web 2.0 applications in schools

15 Relationship Building Asks Campus Visit Statement in Congressional Record Local (District or State) meeting Newsletter Article Website statement / photos Helping out with case work

16 Does this work?

17 Who Are You Asking: Know Your Audience!  Relevance: Why Are You Relevant?  Interests / Passion: What Are They Interested In?  Position: What Position Do They Hold?  Politics: What Are Their Politics?

18 Tips on Dealing With Staff Talk to the Right Person Remember, Your Issue Is One of Many Staff Contact Has Advantages Over Member Contact Institutional Memory in an Elected Official’s Office Can Be Short Expect (and Appreciate) Youth

19 How Should You Ask? Follow the SPIT Rule

20 The Message Formula Hello, my name is [] and I’m from [] (establishes relevancy) I am here to talk to you about [policy / relationship ask] Knowing of your interest in [info about your audience] we think you’ll be interested as well This is important to the people I represent because [personal story] That’s why we really hope you’ll [ask] I’d like to follow-up by [follow-up ideas] Can I get contact information for all the appropriate people in your office?

21 It’s Practice Time (More Fabulous Prizes are Forthcoming…)

22 The Top Ten List: What Staff & Elected Officials Hate to Hear 10. But I thought my appointment was with the member! 9. Here’s some reading material for you – our 300 page annual report 8. I know you probably won’t listen to me because I didn’t contribute to your campaign, but I’m supposed to ask you for more money 7. I assume you know all about bill number 1234

23 The Top Ten List, Continued 6. No, I don’t have an appointment but I promise I’ll only take ½ hour of your time. 5. No, I don’t really need anything specific. 4. What you’re telling me can’t be right. I heard Jon Stewart from the Daily Show say otherwise. 3. We have ten (or more) people in our group. 2. What do you mean we have to stand in the hall?

24 … And the number one item? No, I don’t represent anyone from your jurisdiction. I just thought you’d be interested in what I have to say.

25 The One Little Thing That Makes ALL the Difference Persistence Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On”, has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race. Calvin Coolidge

26 Persistence can grind an iron beam down into a needle.

27 An Opportunity to Be Persistent Now!

28 Go Forth and Advocate! Take the Advocacy Pledge

29 Contact Information 1640 19 th Street NW Second Floor Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-1353

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