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Sponsored by The Spice Girls Amy, Betsy, Dianne, and Pat.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by The Spice Girls Amy, Betsy, Dianne, and Pat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by The Spice Girls Amy, Betsy, Dianne, and Pat

2 Welcome to…  Grab some lunch, a drink and some goodies and when you are ready… Go to the following PBWiki for directions:  HAVE FUN!

3 Implementation Check Which Web 2.0 applications have you explored or used? How did you implement the application for professional or personal use?

4 Agenda  Implementation Check  Review: What is Web 2.0?  Did You Know? 2.0 Video  Google Apps Overview  Google Application Walkthrough  Zoho Apps Overview  Zoho Application Walkthrough  Cool Flickr Trick  Cautions of Using Web 2.0 Apps  Which Web 2.0 App will you use?

5 Web 2.0 Continuum The Web as a Platform To get things done Cutting Edge Programming Tools AJAX, XML, SOAP, Javascript Interaction Web applications hosted for end users Anyone can contribute to or interact with data

6 Web 2.0 Concept  Collaborate and share information and knowledge using web-based applications.  Connect, Collaborate, Evaluate, Access, Conference, Reflect  “We are the Web.”

7 Web 2.0 Application Uses Connect Access CollaborateEvaluate ConferenceReflect Don’t Forget:

8 CONNECT  Find and network with colleagues, mentors and others with similar interests; social networking Application Examples  Linked In* *  Gmail  Facebook

9 CONFERENCE  Conference with colleagues, mentors and experts regardless of distance. Application Examples  Skype*  Writeboard*  Google Docs & Spreadsheets*  Peepel  Skrbl  SightSpeed

10 COLLABORATE  Collaborate and communicate with others Application Examples *  PBWiki*  WizLite*  Gliffy  Basecamp  PageFlakes  JotSpot  Wikipedia

11 EVALUATE  Sharing and evaluate resources Application Examples  Zohoshow*  Furl*  Slideshare  You Tube  Flickr

12 ACCESS  Unlimited access to information. Application Examples  BackPack  Zamzar  MediaMax 

13 REFLECT  Reflect on the use of information. Application Examples  Blogger*  Letterpop*  NetVibes

14 Retrieved from,

15 Did You Know?  We live in a globalized world  Communication and collaboration is possible 24/7  71% of American households have Web access  Americans aged 13-24 spend more time online than in front of the TV  65% of students in Grades 6 – 12 use email/instant messenger everyday  57% of U.S. teenagers have produced original digital content and published it on the Internet. Solomon, G. & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0 new tools, new schools. Washington, D.C.:International Society for Technology in Education

16 Did You Know?  New tools are changing how people interact with the world.  Let’s Take a Look… Did You Know? 2.0 Video

17 Top 10 Reasons Why Students Cannot Turn in their Homework 10) Tech support for my PC was outsourced offshore. 9) I had to delete it to make room for my iTunes 8) I’m still handwriting it. The MS Office license was too expensive. 7) I emailed it…didn’t you get it? 6) I couldn’t afford the HP ink cartridge. 5) It took too long to type on a regular keyboard. Can I text it to you instead? 4) The cut and paste keys on my keyboard are worn out (Google, cut, paste) 3) I plan on “open sourcing” from the kid next to me. 2) I had a visit from the Blue Screen of Death. 1) The dog chewed up my laptop.

18 Top 10 Reasons Why Students Cannot Turn in their Homework 10) Tech support for my PC was outsourced offshore 9) I had to delete it to make room for my iTunes 8) I’m still handwriting it. The MS Office license was too expensive. 7) I emailed it…didn’t you get it? 6) I couldn’t afford the HP ink cartridge. 5) It took too long to type on a regular keyboard. Can I text it to you instead? 4) The cut and paste keys on my keyboard are worn out (Google, cut, paste) 3) I plan on “open sourcing” from the kid next to me. 2) I had a visit from the Blue Screen of Death. 1) The dog chewed up my laptop.

19 “In the future, how we educate our children may prove to be more important than how much we educate them” (Friedman, 2005, p. 302). Friedman, T. L. (2005). The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

20 Exploration Time  Overview of Google and Zoho Apps Walkthrough: Hands-on opportunity to explore the tools and highlight functionality and features Guided Tours: Highlight key features and functions VS.

21 Exploration Time  Go to the PBWiki at ces-Dec12 for directions. ces-Dec12 VS.

22 Google Docs & Spreadsheets

23 Google Documents

24 Google Document Help  Take a tour or watch a video at the Google documents homepage:

25 Zoho Show: Theorist Presentation

26 Zoho Show/Meeting Help  Go to Contact Us page: for technical help contacts for each application.

27 Cool Flickr Trick  Upload, share, organize, tag, discuss photos at  Geotag Feature  72157601939306352/ 72157601939306352/

28 Using Web 2.0 Cautions  Purpose and specific intended use  The data could be lost – backup your data  Data will be collected  Careful with release of personal information  Licensing and copyright protection (e.g., Creative Commons)

29 Closing With your team, answer the following question:  Which application discussed today could you implement for professional needs? How could you implement it?

30 Web 2.0 Resources – Part Deux Access presentation, web application addresses, and other resources: urces-Dec12

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