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1. 18.4 Notes (part 1)- Election of 1912 2. Video Clip: Wilson Presidency 3. 18.4 Vocabulary *** Unit 1 Exam Friday!***

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1 1. 18.4 Notes (part 1)- Election of 1912 2. Video Clip: Wilson Presidency 3. 18.4 Vocabulary *** Unit 1 Exam Friday!***

2 18.4 The Wilson Years 1912- 1920

3  Four candidates  1912-Republican Party split between conservative Republicans (Taft) and Progressive Republicans (Roosevelt)  Socialist: Eugene Debs  This split created an opportunity for Gov. of New Jersey Woodrow Wilson (D.)  Domestic program called New Freedom.  T.R. ran on the concept of New Nationalism.

4  NEW NATIONALISM  Accepted power of trusts/monopolies but wanted to regulate them.  Regulate industry.  NEW FREEDOM  Criticized T.R. for allowing monopolies.  Wanted to abolish trusts and monopolies.  Strict government control over corporations.  Disapproved tariffs


6 1. Finish 18.4 Notes: Wilson Presidency & Legacy of Progressivism 2. 18.4 Guided Reading Q’s *** Unit 1 Exam Tomorrow!*** Current Event Due Friday

7 Look @ 18.4 Vocab… New Freedom plan called for strict government controls over corporations. Wilson promised to bring down the “triple wall of privilege:” tariffs, banks, and trusts.

8  1913: Wilson & Congress create “The Fed.”  This is the nation’s central bank.  The Fed is a “bank for banks” (if they need $.)  The Fed controls interest rates by raising or lowering the rate it charges to banks.  The Fed controls the supply of currency.

9 Federal Reserve Districts

10  16 th Amendment – Federal Income Tax (1913)  17 th Amendment – Direct Election of Senators (1913)  18 th Amendment - Prohibits Alcohol (1919)  19 th Amendment – Women’s Suffrage (1920)

11  The Progressive Era had a lasting effect on government, the economy, and society.  Political, social, and economic reforms, new laws and amendments, natural resource protection, etc.

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