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UNIT 10 REFORM PICKET SIGNS Its time for change. Terrell Election Laws  Law was passed in 1903  Secret Ballots and restricted campaigning near poll.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 10 REFORM PICKET SIGNS Its time for change. Terrell Election Laws  Law was passed in 1903  Secret Ballots and restricted campaigning near poll."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 10 REFORM PICKET SIGNS Its time for change

2 Terrell Election Laws  Law was passed in 1903  Secret Ballots and restricted campaigning near poll booths  Required that major political parties of Texas hold primary elections before a general election

3 Effects of the Terrell Election Law  Political- campaigning requirements for those running for office  These requirements are the basic election law today

4 Prohibition  Prohibition was a period of time that aimed at making the sale and manufacture of liquor illegal  Women’s Christian temperance Union and the Women’s Suffrage Movement supported it

5 Effects  Political- amendments passed (changed the constitution)  Economic- Prevented the sale and manufacture of alcohol  18 th amendment passed but repealed in 1931 with the 21 st amendment  Reduced the amount of alcohol drank by Americans

6 Punish the KKK  Got rid of Jim Crow laws (laws that kept minorities from voting)  Miriam “Ma” Ferguson was elected governor on an anti-Klan platform

7 effects  Social- way of life became safer and more equal for many Texans  Klan members were prosecuted

8 Populism  A nation wide movement of rural Americans who felt that they had not benefited from the growth of industry and wanted the government to help them  Organized the Farmers Alliance

9 Effects of Populism  Political- organized a political party (Peoples Party)  Economical- wanted government to regulate big business to help out farmers  Democratic party took on the issues of the populist party  Some economic relief for farmers

10 Women's Suffrage  Suffragists wrote letters, signed petitions, and lobbied the state legislature to let women vote  19 th Amendment passed in 1920

11 Effects of Women's Suffrage  Political- earned the right to vote  Texas women were able to vote in the state primaries  The 19 th amendment passed

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