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WEEK 1 – AUGUST 19-23 English III. Tuesday, August 20 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.Finish going over syllabus and class procedures 2.Take class survey 3.Begin with.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 1 – AUGUST 19-23 English III. Tuesday, August 20 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.Finish going over syllabus and class procedures 2.Take class survey 3.Begin with."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK 1 – AUGUST 19-23 English III

2 Tuesday, August 20 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.Finish going over syllabus and class procedures 2.Take class survey 3.Begin with writing evaluation (expository) 4.NOTES: prewriting techniques (brainstorming, freewriting, clustering) 5.Begin prewriting BELL-RINGER NONE

3 Wednesday, August 21 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer #1: JOURNAL 2.Continue/review prewriting 3.Begin drafting paragraph (double space when you write) BELL-RINGER Answer the following question in a paragraph. What did you learn in the area of writing last year? Recall the things you vividly remember. What do you still need to improve in your writing? Explain.

4 Thursday, August 22 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer #2: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Notes: expository writing, analyzing purpose in writing 3.Work on attention getters and working thesis 4.Signed syllabus, notebook, and extra credit due tomorrow 5.First draft written out for tomorrow, along with attention getters and working thesis sheet BELL-RINGER Rewrite the following sentences in your journal, correcting all of the errors you can find. The sentences you write should be without errors. 1.having won the game a visit to rays pizza palace was offered to the team by the principle 2. that husky which is a champion is a consistent winner at dog shows but I don’t believe it will win tonight

5 Friday, August 23 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer #3: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Check notebook, signed syllabus, and extra credit 3.Group work: REVISION of first draft 1.Attention getters and thesis 2.Development 3.Cohesion BELL-RINGER 1.youre version of ralph waldo emersons essay self reliance is different than mine I wonder why 2. neither of the events were exciting so we left early then we went to sharons house to play a video game

6 WEEK 2 – AUGUST 26-30

7 Monday, August 26 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #4: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Work on editing and revising expository paragraph 3.Final graded copy written or typed for tomorrow 4.HANDOUT: 3 careers assignment BELL-RINGER 1.last Summer brian attended a six week course at georgetown university he had morning classes and worked at the chinese embassy every afternoon 2. my Sister she hasnt never missed mystery a series on Public television every Thursday at 900 PM

8 Tuesday, August 27 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #5: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Collect final draft of expository paragraphs 3.LAB: Work on 3 Careers assignment/due tomorrow BELL-RINGER is different than american football in several ways the shape of the ball the parts of the body used in play and the position of goals on the field 2. the prices of european imports will raise in the united state prof rossicone states because the value of the dollar has decreased

9 Wednesday, August 28 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #6: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Collect 3 Careers assignment 3.Soft Skills assessment (handouts) 4.Soft Skills paragraph assignment/due tomorrow in class BELL-RINGER 1.rear window is the more suspenseful movie I have ever saw esther remarks at seans party 2. ayeesha did you know that the st lawrence seaway connects montreal canada and lake ontario

10 Thursday, August 29 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #7: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Finish Soft Skills paragraph (in class) 3.Discuss research sheets/show database (Mrs. Sesko’s website) 4.LAB: Begin research/print out good information BELL-RINGER 1.three officers of the hiking club decided between theirselves when the trip would occur irregardless of what other members thought 2. in her office mary gauchet noticed a box of dictionaries they were delivered their earlier by mistake

11 Friday, August 30 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #8: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Review research process 3.LAB: Research/3 research sheets due Thursday, 9/4 BELL-RINGER 1.the painting two angels appeared on the christmas card this greeting was inside holiday joy to you and yours 2. after rowing to the apostle islands us boys laid in the sun on a beach beside lake superior


13 WEEK 4 SEPT. 9 – SEPT. 13

14 Monday, September 9 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #9: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Check note cards 3.Hand back expository paragraphs/discuss ways to revise 4.CONNECTING ATTENTION GETTERS TO THESIS STATEMENTS/IMPROVING FLOW 1.Practice as a class 2.Practice on your own 5.ELABORATION 1.Practice as a class 2.Practice on your own BELL-RINGER 1.our class will be involved i think in doing a project on the civil war however it is to late to begin this semester 2. For you to finish on time your going to have to work hard and meet the scheduled deadline father gascoigne stated

15 Tuesday, September 10 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #10: SENTENCE REVISION (take a grade – 50 points) 2.Get 30 note cards assignment handout/go over 3.Begin skimming printed resource information/highlighting 4.Edit soft skills paragraphs based on revision techniques discussed yesterday 5.New draft of soft skills paragraph due tomorrow 6.LAB TIME: Revisions and printing out information BELL-RINGER friends who are members of the club wants to participate in the italian festival for additional credit 2. dawn don’t have no workbook yet but she can use mine if you don’t mind

16 Wednesday, September 11 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #1: PARAPHRASING 2.Collect soft skills paragraphs (new drafts) 3.Continue working on note cards/*I will check first one (one card per student) 4.30 note cards due on Tuesday, 9/17 BELL-RINGER Copy the following sentence in your composition book. Then paraphrase it and cite it. The title of the article is “National Guard,” and there is no author. “The Army National Guard has fought in every major war in which the United States has been involved, from the American Revolution to the Vietnam War and the war in Iraq.”

17 Thursday, September 12 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #2: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Grammar/sentence revision quiz tomorrow 3.Continue work on note cards /*I will check first one (one card per student) BELL-RINGER 1.the weather was extremely humid us 3 decided not to go to the game we went to the museum instead 2. we are to read the chapter the rise of cities in the text book perspectives in history for next wednesdays assignment

18 Friday, September 13 EARLY DISMISSAL AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – NONE (sentence revision quiz) 2.Take sentence revision quiz 3.Work on note cards – due Tuesday, 9/17 BELL-RINGER SENTENCE REVISION QUIZ

19 Monday, September 16 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #3: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Plagiarism and citation notes 3.Plagiarism day #1 assignment due tomorrow 4.Note cards moved back to Thursday BELL-RINGER the trading post in santa fe dad couldn’t find the write size of navajo rug consequently he visited other stores until he found them 2. watching the savoy circus at memorial hall the elephants were enjoyed the most by the children

20 Tuesday, September 17 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #4: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Collect plagiarism and citation practice assignment #1 3.Plagiarism and citation notes 4.Plagiarism day #2 assignment due tomorrow 5.Note cards moved back to Thursday BELL-RINGER 1.skimming my new english textbook understanding literature robert frosts poem mending wall was seen by me preparation for climbing mt washington mr holton bought new boots a backpack and camping gear

21 Wednesday, September 18 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #5: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Collect plagiarism and citation practice assignment #2 3.Work on note cards 4.Note cards due tomorrow BELL-RINGER 1. during the 2day sale at furnishers my Parents bought a victorian style Table who was discounted 25 percent 2. although rembrandts masterpiece night watch is in the rijksmuseum in amsterdam many more of his paintings are in londons national gallery

22 Thursday, September 19 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #6: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Collect note cards 3.Notes: Works Cited pages 4.Get Works Cited page worksheet 5.Worksheet and typed works cited page due at the end of the hour tomorrow BELL-RINGER Edit this business letter heading. 287 lawrence blvd tetonia id february 11 2000 traveling shoes inc 2018 archer rd gainesville fl dear sir or madam

23 Friday, September 20 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #7: SENTENCE REVISION 2.LAB: Type Works Cited pages and complete Works Cited worksheet (staple together and turn in at the end of the period) BELL-RINGER Uncle and Aunt will unknown to him be surprised next week at a anniversary celebration at the sheldon community center 2. please bring this book the scarlet letter to the deans room omar since he needs it

24 Monday, September 23 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #8: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Collect MLA Works Cited page and worksheet (65 points) 3.Pass out research paper outline/explain outline and participation grade 4.Work on outlines/note card consultations BELL-RINGER 1.more and more farmers across the nation especially those owning small acreage are finding it difficuult to maintain a decent standard of living isnt that true 2.When dad gave me the car keys he said get some gas checking the oil to see weather any is needed and drive careful

25 Tuesday, September 24 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #9: SENTENCE REVISION 2.Work on outlines/note card consultations BELL-RINGER 1.after several attempts in class darnell was able to liquefy the granules bringing it to a boil and separated the components 2. consuela and erica have got to meet ms johnston at 300 pm so that she can learn their new cheerleaders routines

26 Wednesday, September 25 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #10: SENTENCE REVISION (take a grade – 50 points/bell- ringer test on Friday) 2.Work on outlines/note card consultations 3.Begin drafting research paper when finished with outline BELL-RINGER 1. He don’t know weather he can attend tonites meeting but well be informed by him later today 2. The development of the u s social security system occurred in 1935 under the administration of president franklin d roosevelt senator morris roberts tells us

27 Thursday, September 26 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – #1: SENTENCE REVISION (label as a new set) 2.Work on outlines/note card consultations 3.Begin drafting research paper when finished with outline BELL-RINGER arceneaux stated I used a ravioli machine from italy and how they came out real good 2. tito had ought to call his Mother so that shell know weather she should plan for less people

28 Friday, September 27 AGENDA 1.Bell-ringer – NONE (test) 2.Get research paper rubric/discuss 3.LAB: drafting/outline check BELL-RINGER Bell-ringer test

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