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MALS – Master of Arts in Language Studies [incorporating Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate] Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics.

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Presentation on theme: "MALS – Master of Arts in Language Studies [incorporating Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate] Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 MALS – Master of Arts in Language Studies [incorporating Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate] Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics (CTL)

2 MA in Language Studies: 9 options You can graduate with one of the following: (1) MA in Language Studies (2) PGD in Language Studies (3) MA in Language Studies (Language and Law) (4) PGD in Language Studies (Language and Law) (5) MA in Language Studies (Linguistics) (6) PGD in Language Studies (Linguistics) (7) MA in Language Studies (Translation and Interpretation) (8) PGD in Language Studies (Translation and Interpretation) (9) PGC in Language Studies

3 MALS: Special Feature 1 Three exit points: You can graduate with a PGC after obtaining 12 credit units, or a PGD with 24 credit units, or an MA with 30 credit units. When admitted, students are admitted into the MA programme. Duration: You have 1 to 5 years to do all these.

4 MALS: Special Feature 1 (continues) You can graduate first with a PGD, take a break of a semester, re-apply for admission into the MA programme (sure thing) and graduate with an MA after obtaining an additional 6 credit units (if you stay with the same specialization). You can also just take a leave of absence for one or two semesters, continuously keeping your student status (continuation fee of HK$1,500 applies).

5 MALS: Special Feature 2 A choice of 4 curricula (or 5, or 6 …) 1. Specializing in Language & Law 2. Specializing in Linguistics 3. Specializing in Translation & Interpretation 4. Do not specialize, but choose and pick 5. When you choose and pick, the possibilities are …

6 MALS: Special Feature 2 (continues) With our students being mature working adults, we believe they have the intelligence to tailor make their own programmes that suit their individual needs – their personal interest or their career imperative.

7 MALS: Special Feature 3 The Master’s Project is an elective. Students can choose to complete a Master’s Project if they are more academically inclined and welcome independent work, OR Students can pick electives that are class- room based and are more professional and vocational in nature.

8 MALS: Special Feature 4 Study mode: Combined mode, i.e., students can shift between part-time mode or full-time mode, from semester to semester. However, full-time mode is only available for two of the three specializations. Students specializing in (i) linguistics, or (ii) translation and interpretation can complete the programme in one year full-time.

9 Why Language Studies? Our new knowledge-based and service-based economy is situated in a discourse-rich society where language (and its products: discourses) permeates everything. What stories has President Bush told? How about Obama? What stories do you tell?

10 Why Language Studies (continues) ? Others tell stories (and weave discourses) to impose their stories on us. [Like what I am doing here, and now.] Understand how language works, and be free of its power.

11 MALS: FAQ 1 For language teachers: PGDLS (Linguistics) is an approved post- graduate programme in Subject Knowledge for English language teachers; MALS (Linguistics) is a recognized Language Major Degree programme. Both programmes are eligible for the EDB’s Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Teachers.

12 MALS: FAQ 1 (continues) Please refer to SCOLAR’s website for ‘Notes to applicants’ and ‘Annex: Programme accepted for grants under the Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme’: http://www.language-

13 MALS: FAQ 1 (continues) Language teachers need to complete one of these (PGSK or language major degree) to satisfy the government’s requirements regarding subject knowledge/relevant language degree.

14 MALS: FAQ 1 (continues) Please note that for exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement, two criteria have to be met: a relevant degree (e.g., PGDLS or MALS) and relevant teacher training qualifications.

15 MALS: FAQ 2 MALS (Language & Law) is one of the programmes recognized by the Law Society of Hong Kong for the purposes of compliance with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements under the CPD Scheme.

16 MALS: FAQ 3 Teaching on weekday evenings (6:30-10:20 pm max.) and Saturday afternoons (likely, 2:30-6:20 max.), intensive block teaching (could happen, but hasn’t been tried). Normally one course, one evening; two courses, two evenings, and so on.

17 MALS: FAQ 3 (continues) Summer teaching (possible, though not preferred, weekday evenings and/or Saturday afternoons, over 7 weeks). The Summer Term is not a regular teaching semester for the university (as seen in the fact that you do not need to apply for a leave of absence if you do not register for any course in the Summer Term). Normally only one course is offered in the summer: CTL5901 or CTL5902, which are required courses for all MA students.

18 MALS: FAQ 4 Tuition fee: pay by credit unit, at present HK$2,100 per credit unit, so 30 credit units cost HK$63,000. The tuition fee is going to be revised in the very near future. If you fail a course and have to re-take, you also have to pay for it.

19 MALS: FAQ 5 Normally a course is offered once every two years, unless these are core courses for (i) linguistics or (ii) translation and interpretation specialization. Expect to be surveyed about the electives you would like to take.

20 MALS: FAQ 6 Credit transfer is allowed and considered on a case by case basis. Factors considered include (a) overlap in course contents and number of credit units/contact hours, (b) courses be of the same level, (c) grade/mark earned, and (d) shelf life of credit units earned.

21 MALS: FAQ 7 English language teachers who apply to the Government for funding their PGDLS study (Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Teachers) can obtain a letter from the Department stating they have completed their PGD and can be refunded. They can then stay in the programme to complete their MA degree.

22 MALS: FAQ 8 Assessment methods vary from course to course. They can include (a) continuous coursework assessment, and/or (b) a formal examination during a University’s designated examination period. Continuous coursework assessment can include, among other things, individual take-home assignments, group presentations, and in-class tests. In-class tests and examinations can be open-book or non open-book.

23 MALS: FAQ 9 The language of instruction and assessment normally is English for CityU. Please note that the language of instruction for the two courses required for the MA degree: CTL5901 Language, Cognition and Culture, and CTL5902 Language, Ideology and Society is English. The language of assessment however can be either English or Chinese.

24 MALS: FAQ 10 If a student decides not to register for any courses in a semester, s/he needs to apply to the Academic Regulations and Records Office for a leave of absence, and a continuation fee of HK$1,500 will be charged.

25 MALS: FAQ 11 Students who have exited from the programme at any one point, e.g., PGC or PGD, need to wait for one semester before they are allowed to be re- admitted into the programme. Re-admitted students who decide to switch specialization will only be allowed credit transfer up to half of the total number of units (i.e., 15 credit units) for that programme.

26 MALS: FAQ 12 For this programme, there is no provision for double specializations, i.e., at one seating, students cannot obtain two specializations even though all the relevant courses have been completed. At graduation, only one specialization can appear on the certificate.

27 MALS: FAQ 13 Scholarships for MALS students: CTL Graduation Awards (for highest CGPA upon graduation)

28 MALS: FAQ 14 Your questions please! (E-mail for Matthew Leung:

29 MALS Website Check our website for details: programAims.asp?course=MALS Language teachers please go straight to: Or just remember

30 Programme leader and subject leaders Programme Leader: Mr Matthew LEUNG ( Subject Leaders: Language & Law: Mr Matthew LEUNG Linguistics: Dr Olivia KWONG ( Translation & Interpretation: Dr Richard SHEUNG (

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