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MYP Humanities Unit 1: Psychology Week 2 9/8-9/11.

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1 MYP Humanities Unit 1: Psychology Week 2 9/8-9/11

2 Tuesday, September 8, 2009 Library Orientation No Class. Get library orientation materials from Ms. Johnson.

3 Wednesday, September 9, 2009 Objectives: Students will identify and explain the major developmental schools of psychological theory by comparing and contrasting their perspectives. Opener: Complete library quiz from yesterday’s packet. Activities: 1) Complete opener. Review. Turn in. 2) Class Activity: Optical illusions. 3) Notes and Discussion: History of Psychology Homework: Read “Contemporary Perspectives” and take notes. Answer questions at the end.

4 What does it say?

5 Do you see the man’s face?

6 History of Psychology The foundations

7 Structuralism William Wundt (“Vundt”) European school of thought First psychological laboratory Introspection – look within Process: –Use senses to describe something –Recall emotional experiences related to something –Break down consciousness to its smallest parts

8 Structuralism Problems: –Research was done by self- reporting –Act of recalling something automatically changes the experience –Everyone had unique experiences, hard to make generalizations –Highly subjective

9 Structuralism Describe IN DETAIL the candy and then eating the candy with all 5 senses. (touch, sound, look, color, act of chewing, taste) Describe how eating the candy made you feel, what it made you think about.

10 Thursday, September 10, 2009 Objectives: Students will analyze major schools of psychological thought by comparing and contrasting their methods of analyzing human behavior. Opener: What is structuralism? What are the problems with it? Activities: 1)Have homework ready to be stamped. 2)Complete Opener. Review. 3)Copy Homework. 4)Class Activity: Optical Illusions 5)Notes and Discussion: Functionalism, Behaviorism, Psychoanalysis Homework: Write words and definitions into your glossaries (LOOK UP the definitions in your notes – words are on the next slide).

11 Glossary Terms IB Learner Profile (know the characteristics) Intelligence Multiple Intelligences IQ Alfred Binet Howard Gardner Lewis Terman William Stern Aptitude Achievement Behaviorism Psychoanalysis Introspection John Watson BF Skinner Bodily-kinesthetic Verbal-linguistic Logical-mathematical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Musical Visual-spatial Naturalistic Learning disability William Wundt James Wilson Sigmund Freud Structuralism Functionalism

12 William James Opposed to structuralism Believed you could not break down consciousness to analyze from within Sought to understand how behavior/consciousness worked together to help people adapt and survive in their environments. Helped establish more scientific research methods (observation, survey) American school (pragmatism)

13 Functionalism Did you like the candy? Why or why not? What foods do you dislike and why? Is there a food you’ve ever had that made you sick? Did you ever eat it again? What might that reaction help you stay alive?

14 Friday, September 11, 2009 Objectives: Students will analyze the history of psychology by comparing and contrasting different perspectives. Opener: What is functionalism? How is it different from structuralism? Activities: 1)Complete opener. Review opener. 2)Copy Homework. 3)Class Activity: Optical Illusions 4)Notes/Discussion: Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism Homework: Finish entering words in glossary. Study. Complete questions on review sheet. Test on Tuesday.

15 Psychoanalysis Based in structuralism Focused on the conscious mind and the interaction between the conscious and the unconscious Ego (social expectations), Superego (own decision making), Id (unconscious)

16 Psychoanalyis Where you ever told to not eat a piece of candy before dinner? (social expectations) Did you take the candy anyway in order to gratify yourself (the id– not because you needed it)? How did that make you feel?

17 Behaviorism John Watson, B.F.Skinner, Ivan Pavlov Behavior is the result of a response to stimuli (positive or negative reinforcement)

18 Behaviorism If I give you a piece of candy every time you raise your hand, will you be more motivated to raise your hand? What if I give you a piece of candy not every time, but randomly? You want more candy (because of the positive reinforcement) or you never want to have that candy again (because of the negative reinforcement).

19 Pavlov – Classical conditioning Classical Conditioning –Unconditional stimulus –Unconditional response –Conditioned stimulus –Conditioned response

20 Skinner –Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning: response to rewards and punishments Only look at observable causes for behavior

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