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Pre-Class Developing World Section Quiz Handout. The Developing World.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Class Developing World Section Quiz Handout. The Developing World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Class Developing World Section Quiz Handout

2 The Developing World

3 The Developing World Economic Pattern Goals Of Modernization Problems Of Development Debt Crisis Use pages 37-42

4 New Trade Patterns  less developed nations SELL: cash crops, raw materials, mineral resources  Imperialist nations (Industrial): imported (BUY) raw materials from less developed countries and sold manufactured goods back = economic dependence  -After Independence Problems:  Still ties to former ruler, single crop economy dependent on imported manufactured goods because not a modern economy

5 Goals of Modernization:  political stability  economic diversity = agriculture & industry  Tariff: tax on imported goods  Privatization: selling state owned industry to individuals  Education and training  Improve Services  infrastructure: public services or systems  Modernization:  Changes in a nation that enable it to set up a stable government and produce a high level of goods and services – to improve standard of living

6 Debt Crisis:  less developed countries borrowed money to modernize and can’t pay it back

7 Problems of Developing Nations:  population explosion  causes  urbanization – high population density  Political Instability  Civil unrest, dictators, artificial country boarders  Strains on the Government  cultural change  gap between modernized and developing countries

8 Artificial Boundaries

9 Crash Course: Globalization – Upside Globalization – Good or Bad Globalization – Upside Globalization – Good or Bad Globalization – Upside Globalization – Good or Bad 2 videos

10 Village of 100 If we could reduce the world's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, the demographics would look something like this: Prediction Handout

11 Village of 100  Gender  50 would be female  50 would be male  Age  26 would be 0-14  66 would be 15-64  8 would be 65 and older  Geography  60 would be from Asia  15 would be from Africa  11 would be from Europe  9 would be from Latin America & the Caribbean  5 would be from North America

12 Village of 100  Religion  33 would be Christian  22 would be Muslim  14 would be Hindu  7 would be Buddhist  12 would believe in other religions  12 would not be religious or identify themselves  as being aligned with a particular faith

13 Village of 100  First Language  12 would speak Chinese  5 would speak Spanish  5 would speak English  3 would speak Arabic  3 would speak Hindi  3 would speak Bengali  3 would speak Portuguese  2 would speak Russian  2 would speak Japanese  62 would speak other languages

14 Village of 100  Education  38 –76% of eligible males would have a primary school education  36 - 72% of eligible females would have a primary school education  33 - 66% of eligible males would have a secondary school education  31.5 - 63% of eligible females would have a secondary school education  7 would have a college degree

15 Village of 100  Literacy  Overall Literacy  83 would be able to read and write  17 would not  44 - 88% of males would be able to read and write  6 - 12% of males would not be able to read and write  39.5 - 79% of females would be able to read and write  11.5 - 21% of females would not be able to read and write

16 Village of 100  Drinking Water  87 would have access to safe drinking water  13 would use unimproved water  Food  30 would food security  50 would be malnourished  20 would be undernourished  Poverty  48 would live on less than $2 USD per day  Electricity  78 would have electricity  22 would not

17 Village of 100  Technology  75 would be cell phone users  30 would be active internet users  22 would own or share a computer  Sanitation  65 would have improved sanitation  16 would have no toilets  19 would have unimproved toilets  Money  6 people own 59% of the world's wealth (all of them from the United States)

18 Village of 100  SO……..  If you keep your food in a refrigerator  your clothes in a closet  If you have a bed to sleep in  and a roof over your head  you are richer than 75% of the entire world population

19 Developing World Section Quiz 1. D 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C

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