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THE GREAT WALL The wonders of CHINA. The Great Wall ◦ The wall stretches about 5,500 miles. ◦ It winds up and down across deserts, mountains, grasslands.

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Presentation on theme: "THE GREAT WALL The wonders of CHINA. The Great Wall ◦ The wall stretches about 5,500 miles. ◦ It winds up and down across deserts, mountains, grasslands."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GREAT WALL The wonders of CHINA

2 The Great Wall ◦ The wall stretches about 5,500 miles. ◦ It winds up and down across deserts, mountains, grasslands and plateaus. ◦ It travels from east to west China. ◦ Nearly 2000 years old. Some sections are decayed.


4 The Great Wall Construction began in the 7 th century BC. Sections built under Chou dynasty each built their own walls for protection. After state of Chin (Qin) unified country in 221 BC, it joined the walls to hold off invaders from the north. ◦ Invader: Huns

5 The Great Wall Major renovation under the Ming Dynasty ◦ Present form under Ming. Ming wanted to make sure Mongols would not come back.

6 The Great Wall Towers of the Wall are 32 feet high It has battle forts at important points and the corners. ◦ Soldiers were posted on top to warn of attacks. ◦ Mulan Clip ◦ watch?v=dpYRZdw0UpA watch?v=dpYRZdw0UpA

7 CHINA’S WONDERS Great Wall: History ◦ is crenellated for watching and shooting at the invading enemy.

8 CHINA’S WONDERS Great Wall ch?v=-DbriF1YmA0

9 The Ming Dynasty 1368-1644 Formed by Zhu Yuanzhang ◦ He successfully forced the Mongols out of the country  Wanted to restore Chinese greatness

10 The Ming Dynasty Yuanzhang was born a peasant & worked through the military ranks ◦ Known as a harsh ruler  killed all of his opposition Brought pride & power back to China ◦ Reinstated Civil Service Concentrated on agriculture Zhu Yuanzhang

11 Forbidden City What is the purpose of the Forbidden City? What dynasties ruled from it? How many rooms are in the forbidden City? How long did it take to build?

12 Forbidden City Location: center of Beijing ◦ It served as the Emperor’s palace during the Ming and Qin dynasties.  Now it is a palace museum. ◦ It is the world’s largest palace complex and covers over 2.3 million square feet

13 CHINA’S WONDERS Forbidden Palace ◦ Surrounded by a six meter deep moat ◦ About 25 ft high wall ◦ There are over 800 buildings and 9999 rooms.

14 Forbidden City History: ◦ Construction began in 1406.  14 years to build.  200,000 men used ◦ Housed 24 emperors until 1912

15 Ming Dynasty: Confucian State During Ming: Confucian ideals were brought back Confucius was born in 551 BC ◦ He wanted to restore peace & created a guide to proper behavior

16 Ming Dynasty: Confucian State Analects, a book of his teachings, written by his followers ◦ In order to have peace 5 relationships must exist Ruler/ruled Father /son Husband/wife Older brother/younger brother Friend/friend It’s the superior person’s responsibility to set the example for the inferior

17 Ming Dynasty Filial Piety: duty & respect children owe their parents

18 Chinese Exploration

19 Cheng Ho: one of China’s greatest explorers ◦ Born a commoner & Muslim ◦ Captured by the military Reached India & East Coast of Africa ◦ Made 7 voyages ◦ 100,000 miles ◦ Established a trade empire for China

20 Chinese Exploration

21 Began having major problems with pirates in the Pacific ◦ The emperor forced all people to move away from the coast & closed down China He told his people they would be a continental power No one was allowed to enter or leave the country ◦ Results in the Chinese falling behind the rest of the world: ISOLATION

22 CHINA’S WONDERS Forbidden City

23 Manchu Invasion Manchu Dynasty aka Qing Dynasty Last Dynasty of China: 1644-1912 Founded by Manchu people ◦ Semi-nomadic people from NE China

24 Manchu Invasion 1644: Manchu were able to take advantage of rebellions against Ming Ming Rebellions: Beijing was conquered by rebel forces led by Li Zicheng ◦ Ming army did not protect the capital because they had mutinied because the emperor was not paying them ◦ Rather than be captured the last Ming emperor hanged himself

25 Manchu Invasion Wu Sangui (Ming general) allied himself with the Manchu ◦ In order to drive out the rebel forces They were successful but this allowed the Manchu to take over

26 Manchu Dynasty Developed peacefully : it was a time of economic growth & development Tried to forced their way of life on China but adopted Chinese cultures & traditions Limits: ◦ only Manchu could hold the highest government office ◦ Marriage was forbidden between Manchu & Han ◦ Imperial China reached it height of power

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