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NPMA Certification Program Panel Presentation by: Rosanne (Beth) Green, CPPM, CF Tara Miller, VP of Eastern Region Cathy Seltzer, VP of Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "NPMA Certification Program Panel Presentation by: Rosanne (Beth) Green, CPPM, CF Tara Miller, VP of Eastern Region Cathy Seltzer, VP of Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 NPMA Certification Program Panel Presentation by: Rosanne (Beth) Green, CPPM, CF Tara Miller, VP of Eastern Region Cathy Seltzer, VP of Professional Development

2 Benefits Professional Stature Career Benefits Expanded knowledge National professional recognition Extensive peer-level communication 2014Presentation by Beth Green

3 Value Employer’s have confidence in hiring Property Professionals Certification sets a standard of excellence Each level of Certification brings an industry based knowledge Different environments are available 2014Presentation by Beth Green

4 Process Eligibility CPPS CPPA CPPM Testing Applying Preparation Achieving Certifications Continuance/Renewal, Emeritus 2014Presentation by Beth Green

5 Continuance NPMA Certification Program has three levels All Levels Expire Every 5 years 2014Presentation by Beth Green

6 Eligibility Certified Professional Property Specialist (CPPS) 2014Presentation by Beth Green

7 Eligibility Certified Professional Property Administrator (CPPA) (CPPS is prerequisite) 2014Presentation by Beth Green

8 Eligibility Certified Professional Property Manager (CPPM) (CPPA is a Prerequisite) 2014Presentation by Beth Green

9 Functional Areas Requirements Planning Acquisition Control: Ownership, Responsibility, & Accountability Movement and Transfers Property Accounting Identification Utilization Receiving Maintenance Storage, Warehousing, & Inventory Management 2014Presentation by Beth Green

10 Functional Areas Environmental Considerations Consumption Physical Inventory Risk Management Contracts and Agreements Screening and Excessing Disposition and Retirement Records Valuation Reporting Audits Closure 2014Presentation by Beth Green

11 Work Experience Summary Candidates for the CPPA or CPPM designations Must document your work experience by submitting a Work Experience Summary There is a fill-in form to complete your Work Experience Summary Description Form includes: Job Title Company or Agency Time of Employment A brief synopsis of your experience and responsibilities in at least seven (7) of the functional areas in Property Management 2014Presentation by Beth Green

12 Work Experience Summary Examples of Work Experience Summaries (for one functional area) Each function must have the minimum number of years each: CPPA Property Management Specialist any Company/University/Govt. Agency 2010 – 2014 Inventory: Developed procedures and designed system for the barcode inventory of government, grant, and university-owned property. Conducted annual inventories, reconciled counts, posted records, and reported results to Government Property Administrator 2014Presentation by Beth Green

13 Work Experience Summary Examples of Work Experience Summaries (for one functional area) Each function must have the minimum number of years each: CPPM Supervisor, Property Management any Company/University/Govt. Agency 2000 – 2013 Utilization: Developed utilization plan for government, grant, and university-owned property. Ensured that property was utilized for its intended purpose by contract. Developed and implemented a reutilization plan, distributing information university wide on excess property by department 2014Presentation by Beth Green

14 CPPS, CPPA, and CPPM Renewal INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE CPPS, CPPA and CPPM credentials are valid for five (5) years Must participate in the required professional activities Must revalidate your certification Must submit a Certification Continuance Application CPPAs and CPPMs MAY be notified via email when the certification renewal is due 2014Presentation by Beth Green

15 CPPS, CPPA, and CPPM Renewal Required professional activities: Have no more than a (30 days) lapse in certification Complete a Certification Continuance Application Actively participate in a Property Management Training program or seminar as a speaker or planner Attend two (2) NPMA seminars at the Chapter, Regional, and/or National levels or other conferences Obtain fifteen (15) credits or Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from a university, college, government, industry, or professional organization 2014Presentation by Beth Green

16 CPPS, CPPA, and CPPM Renewal Actively participate in a Property Management (continued) Author and have published at least one (1) paper, thesis, or article on Property Management. Participate in community- or state-oriented Property Management activities. Attend at least four (4) Chapter meetings per year. Serve as a Chapter, Regional, or National Officer Serve as a committee member at the Chapter, Regional, or National level Serve as an exam writer, reviewer and/or test grader for the NPMA Certification Program Be involved in Property Management activities through employment 2014Presentation by Beth Green

17 What if??? Did not participated in the required professional activities One-year lapse in membership Did not participate Retest is Required 2014Presentation by Beth Green

18 CERTIFICATION EMERITUS (LIFETIME) Who is eligible to apply for the Emeritus (Lifetime) Certificate? Certificants may submit this application and required documentation if they have maintained continuous certification for at least five (5) years immediately prior to applying for a Certification Emeritus 2014Presentation by Beth Green

19 CERTIFICATION EMERITUS (LIFETIME) I NPMA members who have retired from active employment in property management Have achieved the CPPS, CPPA and/or CPPM Certificate(s) Be an NPMA member in good standing (your membership dues must be paid) No lapse in membership. Complete a Certification Continuance Application Have at least three of the of the same activities of the Renewal requirements 2014Presentation by Beth Green

20 Information 2014Presentation by Beth Green

21 CONTACT INFORMATION If you have more questions please contact me at: 2014Presentation by Beth Green

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