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Pairs Work What’s he/she doing? 1. 2. 3. 4. He is watching TV. He is reading English books. She is making bed. She is sleeping.

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Presentation on theme: "Pairs Work What’s he/she doing? 1. 2. 3. 4. He is watching TV. He is reading English books. She is making bed. She is sleeping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pairs Work What’s he/she doing? 1. 2. 3. 4. He is watching TV. He is reading English books. She is making bed. She is sleeping.

2 What are they doing? 1. 2. 3. 4. They are playing cards. They are singing. They are writing. They are having dinner.

3 He is writing.He is running. They are singing. He is playing basketball. Guessing game

4 1.There are ___animals in the zoo. A. a lot B.a lot of C.lot of D.much 2.Tony likes tigers ____. A. a lot B.a lot of C.lots of D.lot of 3.The two boys___on the playground. A. run B.runs C.are running D.are running 4.What are they____?—Some postcards. A. shop B. shopping for 5.Don’t read___the sun.It’s bad for your eyes. A. in B.on C.under D.with B A C D A


6 P4-A1 1.a place to meet friends and have a drink and dancing 3.a place to have dinner 4.going to a place in a car or bus and singing 6.put on your clothes pub ballet restaurant driving opera dress/get dressed

7 P5-A3: Listen and Check (√) the true sentences. 1 In London a) people aren’t leaving work. b) people are going home. 2 In Moscow a) people aren’t going to the opera. b) people are having dinner. 3 In Beijing a) people are getting dressed. b) people are sleeping. 4 In Los Angeles a) people are working. b) people are getting up 5. In New York a) people are working b) people are having lunch. √ √ √ √ √

8 Read and check T or F. 1. In London, people are walking to pubs and having a drink or having afternoon tea. 2. In Moscow people are going to the opera or watching a ballet. 3. In Beijing people are working. 4.In Los Angles people are getting up and getting dressed. 5. In New York people are having lunch and shopping. F T F F T read

9 Underline the key phrases: at this moment different places of the world leave work wait for buses run for trains have afternoon tea have dinner go to the opera watch a ballet get dressed start one’s lessons midday=noon see friends call home shop for…. 下班 等车 赶火车 去看歌剧 看一场芭蕾表演 穿衣服, 打扮 正午 看望朋友 打电话回家 此时 购物买 … 开始上课 喝下午茶 吃正餐 read 世界各地

10 It is 5:00p.m. now in London. leave work, wait for, run for, drive, afternoon tea, pubs, drink practice

11 Moscow8:00pm afternoon tea, have dinner, restaurant, go to the opera, watch a ballet, play games practice

12 1:00 pm have dinner, sleep practice

13 Los Angeles 9:00 am get up, wash, get dressed work, start lessons practice

14 New York 12:00 (midday) 12:00 (midday) have lunch eat… and drink … see friends, call home, shop practice

15 P5-A5: Read the postcard and answer the questions. 1. Who is writing the postcard? Betty’s mum is writing the postcard. 2. Who is she sending it to? She is sending it to Betty. 3. Where is she sending it to? She is sending it to Beijing, China. 4. What is she doing? She is visiting friends in Hollywood. 5. When is she writing it? She is writing it on Monday. 6.Is sh6.Is sh 6. Is she enjoying her visit? Yes, she is.

16 1. 小屋: P8 , P9 2. 订正听写本:词组错一个写 4 遍,句 子错一个写 2 遍。 3. 报纸 A2 , A3 版全部。

17 Name Name Address ( 地址 ) DayDear…, Greetings from (Beijing )! … Love, … P5-A6 (on a school trip (on a school trip Visit… take photos Enjoy…)

18 Sunday Dear Grandma, Greetings from Beijing, China! I am having a school trip to Beijing, P.R. China. I am visiting the Great Wall now. I am taking photos. I am enjoying my visit. See you soon. Love, Betty Betty Beijing University China

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