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Welcome to 7 th grade science! Please write, in order, the following information on your index card… Name (First & Last ) / Nickname Class Hour Right Hand.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 7 th grade science! Please write, in order, the following information on your index card… Name (First & Last ) / Nickname Class Hour Right Hand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 7 th grade science! Please write, in order, the following information on your index card… Name (First & Last ) / Nickname Class Hour Right Hand Corner Parental Name(s) & Phone Number Parental Work & Internet Address if Known On back – What you want me to know about you!

2 On a separate piece of paper answer the following survey: Your birthday & your age My favorite hobbies/activities to do outside of school is/are My favorite type of music is My favorite food is My favorite subject in school is My least favorite subject is Not too many people know that I One person I’d love to meet is One day I'd love … My #1 middle school fear is

3 All about Mrs. Ellis Age = 60 Married Golf Nut 3 Grandchildren 17/15/6 6 Dogs, 3 Cats, 1 Guinea Pig, and 1 Blue Fish

4 All about Mrs. Ellis My favorite hobby is reading books and my favorite activity is spending time with my husband, dogs and cats, and golfing.

5 All about Mrs. Ellis My favorite type of music is country, 70’s, and 80’s music.

6 All about Mrs. Ellis My favorite food is Salmon Salad.

7 All about Mrs. Ellis My favorite subject in school is science.

8 All about Mrs. Ellis My least favorite subject…PE

9 All about Mrs. Ellis Not too many people know that in middle school I was a ballet dancer and was a student at RMS!

10 All about Mrs. Ellis One person I would like to meet is Oprah Winfrey, Talk Show Host, Actress, Producer, and Philanthropist.

11 All about Mrs. Ellis One day I would like to take my family to Paris and Italy for the summer.

12 All about Mrs. Ellis My greatest middle school fear is not doing my best.

13 How to come into class… 1.Come in quietly. 2.Pick up any papers on the table by the door. 3.Sit down. 4.Take out any materials you need for class including folder, notebook, and pencil. 5.Read and record the daily objective and information for the day. 6.Do bellwork. 7.When finished, work on 123 Questions! 8.If you have been absent check your folder/absence file. Check with team.

14 How to pass in papers… Hand the papers to the middle of the table. The daily assigned person will put them in a neat pile so the names and dates are facing the same direction and place in the black turn in box for their hour (left side).

15 What will we learn in 7 th grade? Seventh Grade Science will study cell structure, function, human body systems, genetics and heredity. We will do MANY, MANY Experiments!

16 Classroom Rules RAP 1.Respectful 2.Appropriate 3.Prepared

17 Discipline Procedures: Level 1:Warning Level 2:Consultation with Teacher Level 3: Parent Contact Level 4: 30 Minute Afterschool Detention Level 5: Referral written to Principal **ANY misbehavior for a substitute teacher will result in an automatic After School Detention *** Some severe discipline issues will result in an immediate Office Referral and Call Home.

18 Bathroom With any requested pass a 5-minute/10 minute detention (if within first 15 minutes of class) will be required to make up the time afterschool. 5 minutes will not cause you to miss a bus or ride. If requested before tardy bell there is no detention unless this privilege is multiple times in a week and causes you continually to be late to class. You have no more than four minutes to use the restroom.

19 Drinking Fountain We are fortunate to have a drinking fountain just down the hall. You may use it without permission - IF –No lecture /directions are taking place. –You are quietly working. –AND you have signed out and in.

20 Backpacks Because of school policy – NO backpacks are allowed in the room. The only time a backpack is allowed is by special permission of Principal (such as broken leg and have crutches). Do not place the backpack in the isle for me to trip over.

21 IPads When not in use Ipads will be stored in the table “cubbie” Ipads when in use will be up on the tables and not hidden down in your lap. No pictures/videos of students are allowed without explicit teacher permission. Students may take pictures of board notes or assignments without permission. No Ipad games except educationally approved.

22 BE PUNCTUAL. Have materials out, pencils sharpened, and working on bell work before the bell. If there is an assignment on the board or Eno Board, begin before being told to do so. If nothing to do you will have the 123 Questions!

23 BE PREPARED Bring all materials to class for each day. If you need to borrow a pen or paper, do so before class begins. Paper can be found on top of hand-in black student tray (SE Corner) Pencils are in the cup beside my desk on top of the Bookcase. DO NOT USE FROM MY DESK

24 Classroom Tools If you borrow a pencil from the pencil cup put it back If pencils disappear students will need to sign-out numbered flower pencil Items are in the room for student use include: tape, stapler, hole punch, electric sharpener. Do not need permission to use. DO NOT USE MY DESK ITEMS! Team items are in the boxes on the tables and please take care of the items by placing back into the proper team box (scissors, colored pencils, micro cloth etc.)

25 Sharpening Pencils If you need to sharpen your pencil you may use the electric sharpener if I am not talking. Quickly & quietly go back to your seat. It is not a social tour.

26 BE RESPONSIBLE Do all your class work and turn it in on time. If you are absent, be sure to check the while you were absent file, or check your folder. Talk to a team member. Learn what you missed, and complete any assignments by the timeline given.

27 BE ORGANIZED. Know where your materials are. Know what you need to do. Present your work legible and neatly.

28 Paper Heading 1.Right Hand Corner 2.First and Last Name 3.Date 4.Hour 5.Add the assignment name/page number

29 What I can expect from you. I will always work, think, and behave in the best way I know how, and I will do whatever it takes for my fellow students and me to learn. This also means that I will complete all my homework when assigned, I will call, email, or talk with Mrs. Ellis if I have a problem with the homework. However, I will ask my team mates questions first, then another team, and finally Mrs. Ellis. That way we all are helping each other and not just relying on Mrs. Ellis to always bail us out without critical thinking. WE are strong when all working together.

30 Grades: Grades are divided into 4 categories: Daily Assignments=20% Cooperative Group= 20% Labs = 25% Tests and Quizzes = 35%

31 Supplies Following Items are Needed: Pencil with eraser Lined notebook paper Composition notebook (No spiral notebooks. Does NOT Leave the Room) 2 Pocket folder with 3 Prongs & Paper (Does NOT Leave the Room) *Folder for homework and other office supplies for personal use if do not like sharing

32 Homework Homework is a valuable tool for students to practice a particular concept. There is not homework every night. However, we have new curriculum and textbooks this year with small activities that sometimes need to be done outside of class.

33 Late Work Policy: First Semester My philosophy on late work can be compared to not paying a utility bill or taxes on time. If adults have the electricity shut off for not paying a bill, it doesn’t mean that they will NEVER get electricity back, but that they will have to pay a penalty and be inconvenienced until the power is turned back on. Even if a person does not pay taxes on time, the responsibility does not go away. The taxes (homework/assignment) still must be taken care of, and you get some credit for it when it is completed (unless we have moved on and already tested), and/or you may have a mandatory tutoring detention after school. My philosophy changes second semester and late work will not be accepted.

34 Lab Days and Tools When Lab tools are set-up on the tables – DO NOT TOUCH OR PLAY WITH TOOLS until instructed. Doing so can result in your removal from lab and given book work. All classroom equipment has specific purposes. Please take care of equipment.

35 Excess Personal Items Table space is limited. If extra items will not fit in your “cubbie” you must place items beneath your chair. Do not place items beside your chair, due to when I walk by I may trip. I am old. Do NOT place Ipads on the floor, but into “cubbies” only. Do NOT keep Ipads on tables with liquid lab activities.

36 How to leave class… The bell does not dismiss you, I do. When dismissed, check area is picked up, push in your chair. Walk out the door.

37 This year.. We will learn a lot about science. We will have a lot of hands on activities. I always need help!

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