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Canadian Geography 1202 Types of Industry SCO References: 6.1, 6.3, 7.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Geography 1202 Types of Industry SCO References: 6.1, 6.3, 7.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Geography 1202 Types of Industry SCO References: 6.1, 6.3, 7.1

2 Introduction Canada has a wide variety of jobs that provide Canadian citizens with employment. All these jobs can be categorized into four (4) basic types of industry

3 Primary/Extraction Industries industries that take raw materials from the natural environment.....farming, fishing, forestry, mining. We’ve done this before………. ☺

4 Commercial Fishing

5 Forestry

6 Commercial Farming

7 Secondary/Manufacturing Industries process the raw materials into finished products..... Industries are further categorized as heavy industry and light industry

8 All kinds of manufacturing – anyone watch “ How it’s Made”?

9 Tertiary/Service Industries provide services to people working in the primary and secondary industries...... retail, transportation, health care, office work, education

10 All kinds of tertiary industries

11 Quaternary Industry processing of information....... research, computer technology, cell phones Guess which sector of industry is growing worldwide?

12 Information Technology, a Booming Career Now and into the Future

13 How many jobs in secondary industry?

14 How work is connected?

15 What do you observe in this chart? Create 3 or 4 statements telling me what you see about work in this graph.

16 How has where people work changed in the last 5 decades? Write 3 or 4 statements outlining what you observe? Where do you think the most work will be in the future?

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