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Presentation on theme: "North-South."— Presentation transcript:

1 North-South

2 What made colonialism successful from the mother country’s point of view?
Access to cheap labour from the indigenous populations Access to new sources of raw materials and resources Ability to sell finished products made from those raw materials back to the colonies

3 Give five reasons why European countries practiced colonialism
Dumping grounds for convicts and other undesirable members of society Access to cheap labour Access to raw materials and resources New markets to exploit An escape valve for excess population during times of economic hardship

4 What were two methods that Europeans used to control colonies?
Use of force by the military Introduction of the European form of government which imposed strict trading and business laws, denying free trade and the manufacturing of finished products in the colonies

5 Explain how the triangular trade patterns worked
The mother country in Europe would buy slaves in Africa and send them to the Americas where they would then work as cheap labour to gather raw materials and resources. They would then send the materials back to Europe for manufacturing into finished products.

6 How did colonialism work in terms of government, education, religion and military control?
Education gave them the basics of math, science and literacy to make them more employable, and to reinforce European customs, dress and manners The military had control through more advanced technology and structure, and maintained law and order The government created treaties and alliances with the indigenous population to legally take their land by force Christian missionaries were sent to convert the aboriginal and colonial populations

7 What two wars were caused by colonialism?
Opium Wars – The Chinese tried to stop British merchants from bringing opium into their country from India Maori Wars – The New Zealand natives tried to stop European settlers from encroaching on their lands

8 Give five reasons why colonialism declined during the 20th century
The colonies were expensive to maintain, and cost the mother countries too much to keep A huge population growth in many of the colonies made it even more costly to hold on to them The movement towards self-determination and nationalism within the colonies The colonists organized to demonstrate and fight against oppression

9 How did Mohandas Gandhi achieve independence for India?
He stirred up feelings of nationalism and self-determinism among his countrymen, and organized peaceful protests in support of India’s independence from Britain

10 Why did emerging nations in the Middle East experience economic success in the 1970s?
They are oil-rich nations and so greatly benefited from the high price of oil in the 1970s.

11 What are five negative developments that occurred in Africa after decolonization?
Lack of preparation for the transition Civil War Population explosion Increasing debt Multinational corporations

12 What are the differences between bilateral and multilateral aid?
Bilateral aid is aid transferred between two countries, such as direct loans, scholarships for students, gifts of surplus food, etc. Multilateral aid is aid provided by a number of countries through international organizations, such as the International Red Cross, the United Nations, World Vision, UNICEF, etc.

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