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FRIDAY, August 19, 2011 Please enter the class appropriately! Copy the “I can” statement onto your learning targets paper. – Please make sure your name.

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Presentation on theme: "FRIDAY, August 19, 2011 Please enter the class appropriately! Copy the “I can” statement onto your learning targets paper. – Please make sure your name."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRIDAY, August 19, 2011 Please enter the class appropriately! Copy the “I can” statement onto your learning targets paper. – Please make sure your name and folder number are in the upper right hand corner. Have all Science materials on your desk. Remember your CHAMPs expectations! Thank you!

2 Science Folder In middle (with prongs): 1.Science Buddies 2.Classroom Map 3.Science Knowledge Survey In left pocket: -Current Learning Target paper In right pocket: -Graded work

3 Scientist Brainstorm




7 Class Results How many people pictured a male scientist? How many were wearing lab coats? Were they holding bubbling test tubes? Do any of the scientists have crazy hair? Glasses? Did you picture a certain ethnicity?

8 Albert Einstein [photograph]. Retrieved August 16, 2011, from: This picture of Albert Einstein was taken from Arnold V. Lesikar’s website “Some of Einstein’s Writings on Science and Religion”.

9 What do you think? 2. Science is primarily concerned with how the natural world works. 4. Science can use supernatural explanations if necessary. 5. Science requires a lot of creative activity. 7. A “hypothesis” is simply an “educated guess” about something.

10 11. A scientific theory is merely a guess. 12. Scientists have solved most of the mysteries of nature. 17. Scientists try to test or disprove possible explanations. 18. Science can be influenced by the race, gender, nationality, or religion of the scientists. 19. Disagreement between scientists is one of the weaknesses of science. 20. All scientific problems must be studied with The Scientific Method.

11 On Page 4 in your Science Notebook, please answer the question in a paragraph: What is a scientist?

12 Ender How do you feel about today’s “I can” statement? On the lines at the bottom, please tell me one thing you know for sure about science or a scientist.

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