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DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 Design of MED, MED-TVC and MVC Desalination Plants September 29 th - 30 th, 2009 Duisburg, Germany CSP-MED: an option for.

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Presentation on theme: "DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 Design of MED, MED-TVC and MVC Desalination Plants September 29 th - 30 th, 2009 Duisburg, Germany CSP-MED: an option for."— Presentation transcript:

1 DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 Design of MED, MED-TVC and MVC Desalination Plants September 29 th - 30 th, 2009 Duisburg, Germany CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination Massimo Moser, DLR Stuttgart

2 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-2 Overview Water scarcity and future trends Actual problems of desalination Ways to sustainability: renewable energies CSP CSP-MED CSP-MED / CSP-RO comparison Conclusions

3 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-3 Water scarcity Source: IWMI 2006

4 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-4 Water scarcity – Focus on MENA Source: AQUA-CSP

5 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-5 Actual situation & outlook – Focus on MENA Unsustainable groundwater over-use! Source: AQUA-CSP

6 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-6 Actual situation & outlook Inhomogeneous distribution of water resources Population growth Raising industrial production  Growing demand vs constant resources  Water crisis!  Conflicts / Wars for water  Solutions? Improving water use efficiency Fixing international laws Using non-traditional water sources (e.g. seawater)

7 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-7 Problems of desalination Environmental problems: Water intake Greenhouse gases emissions Brine discharge Energetic problems: High energy consumption Availability of fossil fuel in the mid/long-term  These problems have to be solved!

8 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-8 Matching of water deficits and solar resources Source: NASA; DLR

9 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-9 Parabolic trough Source: Pilkington, DLR

10 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-10 Linear Fresnel

11 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-11 Solar Tower

12 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-12 CSP Technology comparison Source: DLR

13 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-13 Daily and yearly fluctuation of solar resources - 1 Note that the max efficiency does not match the max DNI

14 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-14 Daily and yearly fluctuation of solar resources - 2 Low sun elevation in winter causes large efficiency losses

15 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-15 Energy storage options: CSP vs other renewables Molten salt (NaNO 3 + KNO 3 ) Concrete

16 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-16 CSP power plant Source: AQUA-CSP

17 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-17 Co-generation: CSP-MED Source: F. Trieb

18 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-18 Which T s ? The MED point of view…

19 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-19 …and the turbine point of view

20 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-20 Comparison with the „competitor“ Source: AQUA-CSP

21 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-21 Conclusions CSP-MED is a very promising option for a sustainable desalination The option of heat storage allows to damp the problem of the fluctuating solar irradiation and consents an almost-constant operation of the MED plant This solution will be probably particularly suitable for the East-Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf, due to economic considerations

22 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-22 For more informations: AQUA-CSP, a study of the DLR Stuttgart, 2007 MED-CSD project (ongoing)

23 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-23 Thank you for your attention!

24 Massimo Moser DLR DME S-008-2009 – Lecture: 12 CSP-MED: an option for sustainable desalination 00-24 Nicht-exklusives Copyright DME erwirbt mit der Annahme Ihres Fachbeitrags auch das nicht- exklusive Copyright, insbesondere bezüglich der Veröffentlichung in den Seminarunterlagen. Die Veröffentlichung Ihres Fachbeitrags, auch auszugsweise, an anderer Stelle ist Ihnen freigestellt, wobei wir erwarten, dass Sie darauf hinweisen, dass es sich um einen Fachbeitrag des DME Seminars S-008-2009 in Duisburg handelt. Non-exclusive Copyright By reveiving your presentation DME aquires the non-exclusive copyright, especially in view of publishing it in the seminar documentation. You are free in publishing your presentation – even part of it – elsewhere, but we expect that you mention that this presentation has been held on the DME Seminar S-008-2009 in Duisburg, Germany.

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