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Welcome to Discovery Woodmere Middle School Discovery Program Susan Suriano.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Discovery Woodmere Middle School Discovery Program Susan Suriano."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Discovery Woodmere Middle School Discovery Program Susan Suriano

2 Middle School Talented & Gifted Students Advanced academic abilities Curious and inquisitive Self motivated learner Risk taker Intuitive Excels at analysis Superior problem solver Superior use of language Enjoys complexity Creative thinker Leadership skills ~ Early adolescence is a time period of rapid physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth ~

3 Program Goals Provide opportunities for students to maximize their learning potential Bring gifted students together in a homogeneous group Promote higher level thinking skills Encourage critical thinking and creative problem solving Interdisciplinary curriculum Coordinate and extend the regular classroom curriculum Hands-on discovery

4 Creative Behaviors Seeing things in new ways Making connections Challenging assumptions Taking risks Using opportunities "Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different." ~~ Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893 - 1986)

5 Schedule At Woodmere Middle School the Discovery Program has two components: ~ A semester Discovery class is scheduled into the student’s day in 6 th and 7 th grade. ~ A lunchtime Discovery lab class is also available to all 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grade Discovery students throughout the year.

6 Discovery Lab ~ Students will be involved in interdisciplinary interest group activities. ~ Curriculum is developed with the students and is based on their interests. Mock Trial Independent Research Detective Mysteries Creative Writing Rollercoaster physics Egg drop contest Science Experiments DNA Workshop Math Enrichment Book Circles Chess Tournament Challenge Activities Pen Pals

7 Grade 6 Curriculum Critical & Creative Thinking Problem Solving Math Enrichment Word Master Challenge Ecology Public Service Announcements

8 Grade 7 Curriculum Critical & Creative Thinking Problem Solving Math Enrichment Word Master Challenge Debates Research Presentations

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