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By:Gia. My favorite part of the day is… Lunch and recess My favorite thing that we have learned so far is… Multiplication in math I need the most help.

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Presentation on theme: "By:Gia. My favorite part of the day is… Lunch and recess My favorite thing that we have learned so far is… Multiplication in math I need the most help."— Presentation transcript:

1 By:Gia

2 My favorite part of the day is… Lunch and recess My favorite thing that we have learned so far is… Multiplication in math I need the most help with… FractionsI am best at… Reading

3 Math We were learning multiplication and division.

4 Reading Workshop In reading we were reading mysteries.

5 Writing Workshop We are doing narratives.

6 Science In science we are doing weighing.

7 Social Studies We are studying about topics in Michigan.

8 Social SkillsThis is a strength for meI’m ok at thisThis is a weakness for me I show respect for adults x I show respect for peers x I show respect for property x I follow behavior expectations x I take responsibility for my actions x I use self-control x

9 Work habitsThis is a strength for meI’m ok at thisThis is a weakness for me I work independently when requested x I stay on task x I listen and follow directions x My work is neat and easy to read x I complete and return my homework consistently x I participate and put in my best effort in math x I participate and put in my best effort in reading x I participate and put in my best effort in writing x I participate and put in my best effort in science x I participate and put in my best effort in social studies x

10  Reading Goals ◦ X on the things you do well. O on the things you want to improve. _O__ using strategies to help make meaning (comprehension) __O_ discusses and reflects on what I read __O_ work well with my book partner/group X__ using strategies to recognize words ___ X reads with fluency ___X understands fiction story components ___X understands nonfiction text features ___X reads with expression

11  Writing Goals ◦ X on the things you do well. O on the things you want to improve. __X_ Staying on topic___O Word Choice___O Generating ideas __X_ Punctuation__X_ Supporting details ___X “hooking” the reader __X_ Spelling__X_ Developing details__X_ Paragraph structure ___O Varied sentences___X Handwriting_X_ Using voice in my writing ___X Organization__O_ Editing__O_ Using linking/transition words ___X Writing in complete sentences __O Using quotation marks in dialogue ___X Capitalization __X_ using the writing process

12  Math Goals ◦ X on the things you do well. O on the things you want to improve. __X_ addition facts__O_ measurement__X_ create and read graphs __X_ subtraction facts___O place value___X perimeter _X__ multiplication facts _X__ rounding/estimation __X_ area __X_ division facts__X_ telling time __X_ word/story problems __X_ counting money

13  Social studies goals ◦ X on the things you do well. O on the things you want to improve. __O_ map skills___X MI fur trade knowledge __X_ MI and the Revolutionary War __O MI and statehood__X_ Working with others ___O The 3 Fires

14  Science Goals ◦ X on the things you do well. O on the things you want to improve. __O MagnetismX Sun, Moon, Earth __X_ Electricity__X_ Working with others

15 Some things to ask you child: – What do you think is your strongest subject? Why do you think that? – What subject has been the hardest for you this year? Why? – Is there anything I can help you with? – How are you getting along with the other kids in the class? – What is one thing you would like most to accomplish by the end of 3 rd grade? Let’s make a plan.

16  Show your parents: ◦ your Wiki portfolio page ◦ your Social studies flip chart ◦ Your sun, moon, and Earth photostory ◦ your book box. Read to them with fluency and expression. ◦ your math prompt notebook ◦ Your subject area folders and work ◦ Your fraction math packet ◦ teach your parents a math game ◦ show your parents your writing folder ◦ show you DOL


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