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Task; Add in as many answers as you can to the following question; Why does Mbot have to walk 2 hours to the river every day?

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Presentation on theme: "Task; Add in as many answers as you can to the following question; Why does Mbot have to walk 2 hours to the river every day?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task; Add in as many answers as you can to the following question; Why does Mbot have to walk 2 hours to the river every day?

2 DROUGHT IN BARCELONA Case Study By the end of the lesson you will; 1. Understand the reasons for worst drought in 40 years to hit Barcelona 2. Analyse the weather patterns leading up to the drought 3. Assess the short term and long term affects of the drought 4. Evaluate your learning

3 What happened in Barcelona? Task 1; Describe the location of Barcelona.  Worst drought for 40 years.  Catalonia, in the north east, was worst affected, with reservoirs standing at just a fifth of capacity  Long periods of high pressure  Lack of respect for resources; too much used, too much wasted. Task 2; 1.As a class create a high pressure system. 2.Explain using only 3 labels the problems it causes and associated weather.

4 DROUGHT IN BARCELONA Case Study By the end of the lesson you will; 1. Understand the reasons for worst drought in 40 years to hit Barcelona 2. Analyse the weather patterns leading up to the drought 3. Assess the short term and long term affects of the drought 4. Evaluate your learning

5 Weather Patterns Top Tips for success; Add in numbers Add in the general trend Task 1.Draw a line graph to show the rainfall of Barcelona in 2008 and 2010 2.What are the main differences between the rainfall (3 marks) JanFebMarAprMayJunJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 20084050201015376720 30 20106745 524030272943375043

6 DROUGHT IN BARCELONA Case Study By the end of the lesson you will; 1. Understand the reasons for worst drought in 40 years to hit Barcelona 2. Analyse the weather patterns leading up to the drought 3. Assess the short term and long term affects of the drought 4. Evaluate your learning

7 What problems were caused by the water shortages? shortages? Short Term Problems Long Term Problems Solutions Task; 1.Working by your self come up with as many answers to fill out the table. 2.Working on your table add in as many different ideas as possible. Extension; Can you think of any other categories which information could be sorted into.

8 What problems were caused by the water shortages? Short Term Problems Long Term Problems Solutions - People are not able to use a much water as they want. - Authorities have to enforce bans (swimming pool, water fountains etc.) - Dehydration and heat will lead to elderly and young being affected. In extreme cases death. - Public services and transport will be negatively impacted. Water table is dramatically reduced. Lakes and rivers will take a long time to get back to normal levels. Economy of country will be negatively affected. Roads and transport structures will be damaged. Large amounts of money need to spent to remedy the problems. 1) Water was brought in by tankers. This was called a water bridge 2) Water use restricted in public places 3) 10% of public fountains turned off. 4) Fines for people who broke rules (30 Euros for gardens, 3,000 Euros for swimming pools.) 5) Desalination plants used 6) Use water from other countries. Task; Make sure that all of your tables have all of these different ideas added in. Extension; Choose 3 colours and highlight the Social, economic and environmental impacts of the droughts in Spain.

9 DROUGHT IN BARCELONA Case Study By the end of the lesson you will; 1. Understand the reasons for worst drought in 40 years to hit Barcelona 2. Analyse the weather patterns leading up to the drought 3. Assess the short term and long term affects of the drought 4. Evaluate your learning

10 Applying your learning; Task; 1.Name and locate an area which has experienced drought. 2.Describe the impacts of the drought 3.Explain the causes of this drought. Mar ks Level Descriptors 6-8Geographical language used throughout the answer Key theories such as SOL and QOL are used Specific facts are used to describe the impacts of the drought (figures from your graph) Effective explanation of the causes (using key words.) 4-6Some Geographical Knowledge used Some facts added in about the impacts of the drought on the area Some explanation of the causes of the drought. Key Words  High pressure  Standard of living  Quality of life  Water table  Short term  Long term  Economic  Social  Environmental

11 Peer assessment Task; 1.What marks do you think they have achieved? 2.What have they done well? 3.What can they do to improve in the future? Mar ks Level Descriptors 6-8Geographical language used throughout the answer Key theories such as SOL and QOL are used Specific facts are used to describe the impacts of the drought (figures from your graph) Effective explanation of the causes (using key words.) 4-6Some Geographical Knowledge used Some facts added in about the impacts of the drought on the area Some explanation of the causes of the drought. Key Words  High pressure  Standard of living  Quality of life  Water table  Short term  Long term  Economic  Social  Environmental

12 DROUGHT IN BARCELONA Case Study By the end of the lesson you will; 1. Understand the reasons for worst drought in 40 years to hit Barcelona 2. Analyse the weather patterns leading up to the drought 3. Assess the short term and long term affects of the drought 4. Evaluate your learning

13 What have you learnt? 1. Why was there a drought in Barcelona? 2. Where is Barcelona? 3. Give one short term impact 4. Give one long term impact 5. Give one solution.

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