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River Corridor Closure Project 1 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity River Corridor Closure Project Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations.

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1 River Corridor Closure Project 1 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity River Corridor Closure Project Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity U.S. Department of Energy Richland Operations Office DOE Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Workshop November 29, 2007 Richland, Washington

2 River Corridor Closure Project U.S. Department of Energy Richland Operations Office Initiatives to Strengthen Worker Involvement, Feedback, and Safety Culture Ray Skwarek Director, SH&Q

3 River Corridor Closure Project 3 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility (ERDF) Former Fuel Production and Laboratories (300 Area) 400 Area Hanford Site Boundary (586 sq. miles) Reactor Areas (100 Area) B/C KE/KW N D/DR H F Demolition of 486 facilities Project Scope Place three reactors into safe storage condition Remediation and closure of 370 waste sites Waste treatment, transportation and disposal (4 million tons of waste) Risk assessment and long-term stewardship

4 River Corridor Closure Project 4 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity How It Works Demolish Facilities Remediate Waste Sites Remove Surplus Facilities Cocoon Reactors Burial Ground Excavation Transport contaminated soil and debris to disposal facility Treat waste if required, then dispose Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility E0703031_b

5 River Corridor Closure Project 5 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity WCH ISMS Implementation WCH ISMS Strategic Plan 4/07 DOE Phase II Verification Review 11/07 Review included Safety Culture elements as described in DOE M 450.4-1

6 River Corridor Closure Project 6 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity DOE M 450.4-1 Identifies four supplemental safety culture elements: - Individual Attitude and Responsibility for Safety -Operational Excellence -Oversight for Performance Assurance -Organizational Learning for Performance Improvement

7 River Corridor Closure Project 7 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Individual Attitude and Responsibility for Safety WCH Guiding Principles -Safety -Disciplined Operations -Team Work -Integrity -Integrated Work Control Process -Reinforce “Time Out” Process -Management Walkthroughs -Local Safety Improvement Teams (LSIT)

8 River Corridor Closure Project 8 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Local Safety Improvement Teams (LSIT) 13 LSITs –A team at each jobsite Team Makeup: -Site Safety Reps -Craft / Union Reps -HAMTC Reps -Local Management Team -Stewards Monthly meetings with LSIT chairs and senior WCH management LSIT logbooks contain all safety improvement opportunities Open Logbook items discussed at each POD For CY 2007, 432 LSIT items identified, 412 closed on an average of 10 days

9 River Corridor Closure Project 9 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity LSIT Driven Improvements

10 River Corridor Closure Project 10 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Operational Excellence CONOPS Manual and Tailored Approach Conduct of Operations Coaches Management presence in the field Strengthening Requirements Flowdown Training – ISMS, CONOPS, Safety Culture, Assessments Operational Training Program

11 River Corridor Closure Project 11 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Operational Training Program Remediation work is highly dependent on procedural controls and people The Operational Training (drill) Program provides assurance that our procedures are workable and our people are proficient in their use Implemented via: –Practical exercises – Low impact refresher exercises for functional groups with coaching and mentoring –Complex drills – Focus on coordination, integration, and interaction of all project personnel and functions Minimal administrative burden by design Since Program initiation in April, 2007, 66 exercises/drills have been conducted; current rate is 6-8 per week Benefits: -Combats complacency / ‘can’t happen here’ attitude -Enhanced teaming -Procedure awareness and compliance -Exercise command and control -Reveals latent procedure and organizational weaknesses Integrating with formal EP Drill Program

12 River Corridor Closure Project 12 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Oversight for Performance Assurance Enhanced training for all personnel performing assessments Grading & feedback provided for all assessments conducted FY08 RCC Project-wide integrated assessment schedule Established 30 Key Performance Indicators, reviewed monthly by WCH Senior Management First comprehensive performance analysis to be conducted in December New web-based Corrective Action Management system to roll out in January

13 River Corridor Closure Project 13 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Organizational Learning for Performance Improvement Making progress in Key Areas: –CONOPS –Quality –Rigor in Requirements Implementation –Safety Culture Additional focus on Feedback and Lessons Learned

14 River Corridor Closure Project 14 Safety Teamwork Disciplined Operations Integrity Achievements and Progress Achieved 1.6 million hours without a lost or restricted workday No recordable injuries in the past 6 months Favorable trends in most other ESH&QA metrics Favorable DOE ISMS Phase II Validation Review in November Management Walkthrough program identified as a noteworthy practice by DOE Improved Environment for open communications

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