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Salt Lake Teens Write SLCC Community Writing Center Salt Lake Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Salt Lake Teens Write SLCC Community Writing Center Salt Lake Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salt Lake Teens Write SLCC Community Writing Center Salt Lake Community College

2 Mission of the SLCC Community Writing Center The SLCC Community Writing Center (CWC) is an outreach site of Salt Lake Community College. The CWC supports, motivates and educates people of all abilities and educational backgrounds who want to use writing for practical needs, civic engagement and personal expression. The CWC provides opportunities to enhance writing abilities through such programs as Writing Coaching, Writing Workshops, the DiverseCity Writing Series and Writing partners. Our newest program: Salt Lake Teens Write

3 Salt Lake Teens Write is a community- based mentoring program which advocates for the importance of writing no matter where it takes place.

4 How it works The program pairs adult mentors who use writing in some manner in their daily lives and professions with underserved eleventh-grade teens entering their junior year of high school. These mentoring teams meet once a week during the school year (approximately nine months) and work on a variety of writing projects. The Salt Lake Teens Write (SLTW) program is founded on two core principles, collaboration and community. Mentors write with their teens in the spirit of collaboration. Together they produce 10-12 writing pieces over the course of the school year.

5 How they meet Teens and mentors meet in the following ways: Weekly in a public place Quarterly in workshops Twice yearly in a kick-off meeting and a final reading and celebration

6 Salt Lake Teens Write Video Teens and Mentors speak for themselves…. Salt Lake Teens Write m/watch?v=L5zxnC7 Nbbs

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