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Dialogue is a conversation to review, reflect, consider options, analyze, critique, and project into the future……..when new understandings and possibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialogue is a conversation to review, reflect, consider options, analyze, critique, and project into the future……..when new understandings and possibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialogue is a conversation to review, reflect, consider options, analyze, critique, and project into the future……..when new understandings and possibilities emerge.

2 1. Conversation. Listening & Pondering. Brainstorming. The Basics. A conclusion or question Dialogue is an organic process that unfolds over time, for one idea leads to the next, etc.

3 Assumptions about Dialogue. Changes understandings. Generates new perspectives. Binds people together around common ideas. Builds trust. Stimulates creativity. Fosters a sense of possibility

4 Some Basics…. 1.Brainstorming: Generate lots of ideas about something, building on the ideas of others. No discussion! 2.The Basics: List ideas, Cluster ideas, Label clusters, Hop to a decision, recommendation, goal, or ???? 3.Group Roles: Facilitator, Recorder, all participate 3

5 Round I: School Community Direction Round II: Individual Suggestions Round III: Small Group Suggestions Round IV: School Council Suggestion & Decision A Collaborative Process for Deciding School Development Goals


7 . Review dialogue Tools: Brainstorming & The Basics. Review the School’s Vision. Review Case Study Data: Current Conditions. Share General Areas of School Development that are evolving Outcome: Identify general areas for this School Development goal setting process P 15-17

8 . A Personal Analysis of current conditions, new areas for development, & the school vision. A personal recommendation for school development Outcome: Select recommendation for school development

9 . Share individual recommendation. Cluster & Label recommendations. Create one goal to recommendation Outcome: To develop a group recommendation for a goal

10 . A Representative from forms a Council. Each group shares their goal recommendation. The Council Clusters & Labels recommendations. A school development goal is recommended. Reps return to their groups for dialogue. Reps return to the council & share feedback. The council modifies the goal recommendation. Fashion the Goal with SMART criteria Outcome: The new SMART goal is announced!

11 Reviewing School Data 1.Review data from the Case Study Practice School 2. Identify the general thrust for development that emerged during the data analysis activity

12 Who will Do What?. Observation Team. Lead Round I Team. Lead Round II Team. Lead Round III Team. Lead Round IV Team

13 1. Provide the purpose and Overview of the Four Rounds of the DDT. 2. Invite each group to use the BASICS to review and select a general area of school improvement, based on Case Study Data from LSSD Day 4. 3. Each group’s suggestion become a list that the facilitator records, and continues with the BASICS to find one goal area 4. Announce the general BIG IDEA for the DDT Training Activity 5. Introduce the facilitators of Round II Round I Leadership Tasks

14 Round II Leadership Tasks. Invite each person to consider the School’s vision, current school conditions, & case study recommendations.. Ask each person to identify a goal for school development

15 Round III Leadership Tasks. Each persons shares a goal recommendation in their small group. A facilitator guides the Group in the BASICS to Identify a Group goal recommendation.

16 Round IV Leadership Tasks. Ask for a representative from each group to form a council.. Ask the new group to select a facilitator & recorder.. The facilitator invites reps to post & share their group goal recommendation.. The Council analyzes suggestions and creates a goal recommendation to reflect all.. Each rep returns to their group for dialogue. Each rep returns to the council to share. The Council processes the feedback & makes a school goal decision.

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