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ENCLOSURE 1 See Page 3 for notes, acronym list and locations Published: October 2008 Revised: 7/14/09 Page 1 FY 09 AGENCYWIDE TRAINING MASTER SCHEDULE.

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Presentation on theme: "ENCLOSURE 1 See Page 3 for notes, acronym list and locations Published: October 2008 Revised: 7/14/09 Page 1 FY 09 AGENCYWIDE TRAINING MASTER SCHEDULE."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENCLOSURE 1 See Page 3 for notes, acronym list and locations Published: October 2008 Revised: 7/14/09 Page 1 FY 09 AGENCYWIDE TRAINING MASTER SCHEDULE Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) NOTE: DATES LISTED ARE ACTUAL PROGRAM DATES AND DO NOT INCLUDE TRAVEL DAYS. FY 09–U1 January 2009–September 2009 * Change in date or location. January 2009February 2009March 2009 APPEL- PM&SE #9 1/26-2/6 Wallops APPEL- APM&ASE #10 3/10-13* Wallops APPEL- SMSDO #4 1/6-8 ARC APPEL- FOU #12 1/5-16 KSC APPEL- BEVMB #5 1/6-7 GSFC APPEL- SEMP #8 1/13-15 JSC APPEL- DA #11 1/12-13 MSFC APPEL- NBP #8 Postponed ARC APPEL- REQ #14 1/27-29 JPL APPEL- DMA #4 1/27-29 KSC APPEL- EVMO #4 1/27 SSC APPEL- AEVMT #3 1/28 SSC APPEL- LPSE #13 2/3-5 JPL APPEL- TW #9 2/11 JPL APPEL- FSE #5 2/23-27 GSFC APPEL- FOU #13 2/23-3/6 DFRC APPEL- SLTS #3 2/24-26 JSC APPEL- SSVV #9 Cancelled GRC APPEL- LCP #2 3/10-12 GSFC APPEL- UPS #3 3/10 SSC APPEL- BSB #2 3/11 SSC APPEL- PM-Lab #2 3/16-20 GRC APPEL- UEVM #5 3/17-18 DFRC APPEL- PRPS #2 3/17-18 JSC APPEL- CTI #7 3/18-19 SSC APPEL- NBP #9 3/19 DFRC APPEL- TW #10 3/24 KSC APPEL- NG #3 3/25-26 KSC APPEL- FOU #14 3/30-4/10 KSC APPEL- UPS #4 3/31 ARC APPEL- REQ #15 Cancelled GRC APPEL- LPSE #14 3/31-4/2 GSFC APPEL- RM #4 2/10 DFRC APPEL- DA #12 1/14-15 MSFC APPEL- DMA #3 2/18-20 JPL APPEL- NBP #8 * 3/30 ARC APPEL- AEVMT #4 4/2 ARC APPEL- EVMO #5 4/7 DFRC APPEL- BEVMB #6 4/8-9 DFRC APPEL- SLTS # 4 4/7-9 GRC APPEL- APM&ASE #12 4/14-17* JSC APPEL- PPAC #9 4/20-24 ARC April 2009 APPEL- PM&SE #10 4/27-5/8 Wallops APPEL- I-AERO #3 4/20-23 DFRC APPEL- TPDMO #2 5/18-21 GRC APPEL- UEVM #6 4/21-22 JSC APPEL- REQ #16 4/21-23 MSFC APPEL- BSB #3 4/27 GSFC APPEL- PPAC #10 4/27-5/1 GSFC APPEL- CTI #8 4/29-30 KSC May 2009 APPEL- FSE #6 5/4-8 DFRC APPEL- REQ #17 5/5-7 GSFC APPEL- TL #6 5/5-7 SSC APPEL- RM #5 5/7 KSC APPEL- UEVM #7 5/12-13 ARC APPEL- CTI #9 5/13-14 MSFC APPEL- FOU #15 5/4-15 LaRC APPEL- CESA #9 5/18-22 JSC APPEL- IPM #4* 4/13-17 KSC APPEL- EMM #1 3/3-5 KSC

2 ENCLOSURE 1 See Page 3 for notes, acronym list and locations Published: October 2008 Revised: 7/14/09 Page 2 June 2009July 2009 FY 09 AGENCYWIDE TRAINING MASTER SCHEDULE Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) NOTE: DATES LISTED ARE ACTUAL PROGRAM DATES AND DO NOT INCLUDE TRAVEL DAYS. FY 09-U1 January 2009–September 2009 * Change in date or location. August 2009November 09 APPEL- PM&SE #11 6/8-19 Wallops APPEL- BSB #4 6/2 ARC APPEL- REQ #18 6/2-4 KSC APPEL- LPSE #15 6/9-11 MSFC APPEL- FOU #16 6/15-26 SSC APPEL- SEMP #9 6/17-19 KSC APPEL- TM #4 7/30-31 KSC APPEL- SSVV #10 8/25-27 KSC APPEL- FSE #7 9/14-18 KSC APPEL- SSVV #11 9/22-24 JSC APPEL- CTI #11 9/29-30 KSC APPEL- TPDMO #3 6/29-7/2 JSC APPEL- APM&ASE #11 7/13-17 WFF APPEL- ICS #2 7/7-8 JSC APPEL- TL #5 7/15-17 KSC APPEL- CTI #10 7/22-23 DFRC APPEL- PPAC #11 9/28-10/2 JSC APPEL- SLTS #5 8/11-13 KSC APPEL- UPS #5 9/15 JSC APPEL- REQ #19 8/18-20 JPL October 09September 09 APPEL- CTI #12 6/9-10 GSFC APPEL- UPS #6 GRC 8/26 APPEL- SSD #1 8/3-4 KSC APPEL- FSE #8 8/17-21 MSFC APPEL- BSB #5 8/27 GRC APPEL- EMM #3 8/31 – 9/2 JSC APPEL- EMM #4 9/21-23 MSFC

3 APPEL-CRM APPEL-Continuous Risk Management APPEL-CTI APPEL-Communicating Technical Issues APPEL-DA APPEL-Decision Analysis APPEL-DMA APPEL-Design for Manufacturability and Assembly APPEL-EMM APPEL-Earth, Moon and Mars APPEL-EVMO APPEL-Earned Value Management Overview APPEL-EXPO APPEL-Exploration and Space Operation APPEL-FSE APPEL-Fundamentals of Systems Engineering APPEL-I-AERO APPEL-Introduction to Aeronautics APPEL-ICS APPEL-Integrating Cost & Schedule APPEL-IDEA APPEL-Innovative Design for Engineering Applications APPEL-IEVMA APPEL-Integrating Earned Value Management with Acquisition APPEL-IPM APPEL-International Project Management APPEL-LCP APPEL-Leading Complex Projects APPEL-LPSE APPEL-Lifecycle, Processes & System Engineering APPEL-MMSD APPEL-Mars Mission & System: Design APPEL-MSTP APPEL- Management of Space Technology Programs APPEL-NBP APPEL-NASA's Budget Process APPEL-NG APPEL-Negotiations APPEL-PBSOW APPEL-Performance-Based Statement of Work APPEL-PM-LAB APPEL-Project Management Leadership Lab APPEL-PPAC APPEL-Project Planning Analysis and Control APPEL-PRPS APPEL-Project Review Processes and Strategies APPEL-REQ APPEL-Requirements Development and Management APPEL-RM APPEL-Risk Management APPEL-SAGE APPEL-Seven Axioms of Good Engineering APPEL-SCC APPEL-Scheduling and Cost Control APPEL-SEMP APPEL-Developing and Implementing a Systems Engineering Management Plan APPEL-SLTS APPEL-Space Launch and Transportation System APPEL-SMSDO APPEL-Science Missions & Systems: Design & Operations APPEL-SMSDO-LAB APPEL-Science Mission & Systems: Design & Operations Lab APPEL-SSD APPEL- Space System Development: Lessons Learned APPEL-SSVV APPEL-Space System Verification and Validation (formerly SV&V) APPEL-TL APPEL-Team Leadership APPEL-TM APPEL-Team Membership APPEL-TPDMO APPEL-Transition, Product Delivery & Mission Operations APPEL-TW APPEL-Technical Writing for Engineers APPEL-UEVM APPEL-Understanding Earned Value Management APPEL-UPS APPEL-Understanding Project Scheduling APPEL-FOU APPEL-1CC-Foundations of Aerospace at NASA (9.5 days) APPEL – Core Curriculum, Level 1 APPEL In-Depth Courses APPEL – Core Curriculum, Level 2 APPEL – Core Curriculum, Level 3 APPEL – Core Curriculum, Level 4 APPEL-PM&SE APPEL-2CC-Project Management & Systems Engineering (9.5 days) APPEL-APM&ASE APPEL-3CC-Advanced Project Management & Advanced Systems Engineering (3.5 days) APPEL-EXEC APPEL-4CC-Executive Program (3 days) APPEL-AEVMT APPEL-Advanced Earned Value Management Techniques APPEL-APP APPEL-Assessing Project Performance APPEL-BEVMB APPEL-Beyond Earned Value Management Basics APPEL-BSB APPEL-Beyond Scheduling Basics APPEL-CESA APPEL- Concept Exploration and Systems Architecting APPEL In-Depth Courses (Continued) FY 09 AGENCYWIDE TRAINING MASTER SCHEDULE Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) NOTE: DATES LISTED ARE ACTUAL PROGRAM DATES AND DO NOT INCLUDE TRAVEL DAYS. FY 09–U1 January 2009–September 2009 * Change in date or location.

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