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Dealing with the Media/Press. Why is it (still) important Despite the near death of Print Media it is still one of the last remaining form of credible.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with the Media/Press. Why is it (still) important Despite the near death of Print Media it is still one of the last remaining form of credible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with the Media/Press

2 Why is it (still) important Despite the near death of Print Media it is still one of the last remaining form of credible mass media Television news remains the only true local source for electronic news.

3 Why it is important to Amateur Sport Always looking to increase interest Always looking to increase credibility Always looking to increase ROI to Sponsors Always looking to give benefit to members Need to create and maintain relationship with those who can help you get the word out about your sport

4 Commandments to Live By Be consistent in your approach to the Media/Press Be prepared to comment or deal with the bad news along with the good. Keep them at arms length but treat them politely and fairly Feed the beast!

5 Promoting an Event Step #1 – Get Organized! Investigate and get contacts/emails for all relevant media/press in the area. Create a distribution list Either: a) send out information in advance b) invite them to a Press Conference

6 Promoting an Event Step 1a – Sending out Information If all you are planning to do is just send out information then make sure: You send it out at least five days in advance You keep it brief You have all releavant information and list of contacts you could possibly have (aka. idiot proofing)

7 Promoting an Event Step 1b – Invite them to a Press Conference If you’re going to take this step then: Book a nice place and plan to feed them Send out the invitation to the Press Conference at least five days in advance and remind them twice before the big day Don’t promote anyone in attendance unless you can guarantee it. Do NOT ask for RSVP’s

8 Promoting an Event Step 2 – Running a Press Conference Make sure you have relevant people there Check the Pro Teams Schedules Try to go around 11:00 a.m. and run no longer than 45 minutes. Start at 11:05 a.m. Have places to sit but an open area in front of the presentation area for TV Cameras Have written handouts Be prepared for Mosh Pit afterwards.

9 Promoting an Event Step #3 – Get your crap together pre-event Who is in charge of hosting media/press at the event? Will there need to be food? Who is in charge of results dissemination? How will that be done? (MUST BE TIMELY!) Does that person have the right lists? Will there need to be access to the participants by the media/press post-event?

10 At the Event Media/Press should get preferential seating Media/Press should get food Media/Press should get handouts (Media Guides?, Releases?) Media/Press area should have internet access Media/Press area should have security and be open for a least two hours post-event

11 Post-Event Even if you think you had all the outlets you wanted at an event you should: Send out a Press Release regarding the event withing 30 minutes of its concusion Have someone stay and supervise the media/press area until the last person leaves Thank them very much for their attendance.

12 VERBOTTEN BEHAVIOR! Forgetting about the Little Guy

13 VERBOTTEN BEHAVIOR! Being Rude or Insulting

14 VERBOTTEN BEHAVIOR! Not showing up to comment on bad result

15 VERBOTTEN BEHAVIOR! Embellishment

16 VERBOTTEN BEHAVIOR! Inconsistencies

17 Cautionary Tales Be prepared to put the same effort in next time or suffer the consequences Know your place on the Totem Pole Remember they are not your friend….but they are not your enemy either. Roll with the punches

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