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#gresadrivein Aaryn Schmuhl Assistant Superintendent Learning and Leadership Services Henry County Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "#gresadrivein Aaryn Schmuhl Assistant Superintendent Learning and Leadership Services Henry County Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 #gresadrivein Aaryn Schmuhl Assistant Superintendent Learning and Leadership Services Henry County Schools

2  Learn how to use Twitter  Learn how Twitter can enhance in-class and out of-class learning,  Learn how Twitter can enhance professional development via resource sharing, collaboration, individualized learning, & leadership  Define Connected Educator and PLN

3  Former Principal at Luella Middle School  Asst. Superintendent in Henry County Schools  Passionate about power of blended learning  Passionate about professional learning and professional dialogue with educators  Founder and co-moderator of #gaed  Connected Educator

4  Take a few minutes to brainstorm with your neighbors to define Connected Educator  Definition:

5  Connected educators are "do-it-yourself learners.“  Connected educators have a "network of collective wisdom" to turn to when information and knowledge is needed.  Connected educators are "collaborative learners."  Connected educators have moved away from the "paradigm of isolation and closed doors" to sharing a strong commitment with other educators to learn and understand more and more about teaching and learning.  Connected educators have leveraged online networks to solve their instructional problems through crowdsourcing and relying on the wisdom of the crowd for resources on teaching and learning. -Nussbaum-Beach and Hall (2011)

6  2010- GaETC  Signed up for Twitter  2011- GaETC  Remembered I had signed up for Twitter at the conference the previous year, reset my password, followed some folks, caught onto #satchat  2012- GaETC  Built out my PLN, started #gaed, jumped into a lot chats  2013- Nominated for Bammy Award largely due to PLN and being a connected educators

7 

8  Handle – professional, maybe some personality @  Profile– necessary for non-lurkers; no profile, no followers

9 People   @TomWhitby   @web20classroom   @teachingwthsoul   @cybraryman1   @nmhs_principal   @gcouros Organizations   @educationweek   @edutopia   @eyeoneducation   @edudemic   @isteconnects   @mindshiftkqed

10  Stalk other people’s followers & following - Look @ profiles - Look @ # of followers  Watch who posts using hashtags of interest to you  Follow as many as you want, you don’t have to keep up with it all.

11  How many characters?  What is this: #  What does it mean to “tweet at”?  RT ? MT ? DM?  Retweet  Modified Tweet  Direct Message   Who sees my tweets? General settings:  Followers  Anyone who searches / follows any #s used  Anyone who searches any terms used  Possible to limit to followers only

12  Hashtags are used to share with a broader community #ncadmin  Hashtags are used for specific audiences  #gresadrivein  #projectmehcs  Hashtags are used for chats  #gaed#ntchat  #satchat#ptchat  #sbgchat#byotchat  #ellchat#edchat

13  Use an app like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to manage and organize chats  Chats are fast paced and you can’t always keep up with it  Choose to lurk to begin and then jump right in  A great way to engage in professional dialogue  Complete List of Twitter Edu Chats:  tIdjCeWSXdDRLRzNsVktUUGJpRWJhdUlWLS1Ge nc#gid=0 tIdjCeWSXdDRLRzNsVktUUGJpRWJhdUlWLS1Ge nc#gid=0

14  Get Connected  Fight Isolation  Share Resources  Asynchronous and Syncronous Learning  Connect your students with other students and classrooms and professionals  Keep up to date with the profession  Individualized PL  Connects new and veteran Ts


16  Connect with educators around the country  See/hear possibilities and ideas  On Demand learning and engagement  Give and take  Encouragement  Inspiration  Knowledge

17  Do nows  Backchanneling  Find related resources  Communication & questions –  teacher- student,  student-student,  professionals-students

18 CnaeaiAE&list=PLui3i0IG- _tFiF7MdB4Qgoru9QMi3dGgq

19  Adults shouldn’t follow students in general – make use of hashtags instead  Kids can/should follow adults  Professional accounts vs. Personal accounts

20  Join the #gaed conversation every Thursday night at 8 PM  Simply follow #gaed  September 25’s Topic is Transforming Education, an extension of Leadership Atlanta’s (co)lab conference this week. #colab13

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