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CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 1 Overview of Concrete Data Types There are two kinds of data types: Simple (or atomic) – represents a single data item.

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1 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 1 Overview of Concrete Data Types There are two kinds of data types: Simple (or atomic) – represents a single data item int holds one integer value char holds one character value Structured – represents a collection of items and has: domain - component data items each of which may be simple or another structured data type structure - rules defining the relations between the components operations - a set of operations or behaviors

2 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 2 A taxonomy of data structures

3 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 3 Linear vs. non-linear Linear: There is a unique first and unique last element and every other element has a unique predecessor and a unique successor, except for the first and last an array is a linear data structure there is a first (0th) element and a last element every other element has an k-1st and a k+1st element Non-linear: Any data structure that is not linear a set is a non-linear data structure there is no unique first or last element there is no obvious ordering of the elements

4 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 4 Direct-access vs. sequential access Linear data structures can be further classified as: Direct access: elements can be accessed at random, in any order, for example: an array is direct access any element can be accessed at any time Sequential access: elements must be accessed in some specified order, for example: a queue is sequential access element can only be accessed one after the other

5 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 5 Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous Some data structures can further be classified as: Homogeneous: all the elements in the structure are of the same data type an array Heterogeneous (non-homogeneous): the elements in the structure are of different data types a record or struct in C++

6 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 6 Structs vs. classes in C++ A struct is just like a class with the exception that, by default, the members are public not private. struct date { int day; string month; int year; }; We tend to use a struct for concrete data types (CDT) a class for abstract data types (ADT) Both can have methods and public, private (and protected) members

7 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 7 Concrete Data Types vs. Abstract Data Types Concrete Data Types (CDTs) are direct implementations of fairly simple structures. Abstraction and information hiding are not employed when designing CDTs. Abstract Data Types (ADTs) offer a high-level, easy-to-use interface that is independent of the ADT’s implementation. Example: We can implement a student record either as a CDT or an ADT: CDT: implement it as a struct where all the data is public: struct student { string name; int idNum; };

8 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 8 Example (cont’d): We can implement a student record either as a CDT or an ADT: ADT: implement it as a class where the data is private but a set of public operations is defined that allow the client to operate on the data. class student { private: string name; int idNum; public: string getName() const; void setName( string ); int getIdNum() const; void setIdNum( int ); };

9 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 9 Records A record is linear, direct access, heterogeneous, concrete data structure that groups data of potentially differing data types into a single unit in C++ records are implemented using a struct Domain: a collection of fields (items) of potentially different data types and a set of names for the fields in each record Structure: objects are stored in consecutive memory locations and each object has a unique name Operations: the “.” operator provides access to each field in a record

10 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 10 Example: struct Course { string dept; int number; }; Course compCourse; compCourse.dept = “CPSC”; compCourse.number = 252; Note that we have direct access to the individual data members using the “.” operator No attempt is made to “hide” the data behind a set of public operations

11 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 11 Arrays An array is a linear, direct access, homogeneous, concrete data structure Domain: a collection of n items of the same data type and a set of indexes in the range [ 0, n-1 ] Structure: items are stored in consecutive locations each having a unique index Operations: the indexing operator “[]” gives read and write access to the item at the specified index

12 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 12 Arrays and pointers in C++ There is a strong connection between arrays and pointers The declaration int data1[ 3 ]; allocates memory for three integers associates the name data1 with the address of the 1st byte of this memory data1 can be thought of as a constant pointer The declaration int* data2 = new int[ 3 ]; allocates memory for 1 pointer and also 3 integers data2 is a pointer that is not constant data1 data2

13 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 13 Pointer Arithmetic The operators “+”, “–”, “++” and “––” are overloaded to operate on pointers: data + 2 is a pointer to the 3rd integer in the array data Thus *(data + 2) = 7; and data[ 2 ] = 7; mean exactly the same thing and they can be used interchangeably

14 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 14 Notice that there is something rather subtle going on here. By adding the integer 2 to data, we do not produce an address that is 2 bytes higher than the one stored in data. We in fact produce an address that is 8 bytes higher (assuming that each integer occupies 4 bytes): 4 bytes data data + 1 data + 2 So, when we increment or decrement a pointer, the address is changed by an amount equal to the size of the object pointed to! This is very useful, it means that as programmers we do not have to concern ourselves with the size of an object when performing pointer arithmetic. Thus: &data[i] is equivalent to ( data + i )

15 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 15 More about arrays and pointers in C++ The following code again illustrates the connection between indexing into an array and pointer arithmetic: int data[ 4 ] = { 4, 3, 2, 1 }; for( int index = 0; index < 4; index++ ) cout << *( data + index ) << “ ”; Arrays can be passed as parameters to functions The function printArray() can be declared to accept an array of integers as a parameter in either of the following ways: void printArray( int data[], int size ); or as void printArray( int* data, int size );

16 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 16 Regardless of the way in which the function is declared, it can be implemented in either of the following ways: { for( int index = 0; index < size; index++ ) cout << index << “ ” << data[index] << endl; } or { for( int index = 0; index < size; index++ ) cout << index << “ ” << *(data + index) << endl; }

17 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 17 Multidimensional arrays as arrays Suppose we want to store the average rainfall during each hour for a period of one week. We can do so conveniently using a two-dimensional array: float rainfall[ 7 ][ 24 ]; We can think of the two-dimensional array as a table having 7 rows (one for each day) and 24 columns (one for each hour). To set the rainfall on the first day for the hour between noon and 1pm: rainfall[ 0 ][ 12 ] = 1.5; What if we want to use dynamic memory allocation?

18 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 18 Multidimensional arrays as pointers We can declare an array of pointers to each row in the table and dynamically allocate memory to each row: int* data[ 3 ]; data[ 0 ] = new int[ 3 ]; data[ 1 ] = new int[ 2 ]; data[ 2 ] = new int[ 4 ]; We can index into the array just as before: data[ 2 ][ 1 ] = 4; Notice that this has given us the flexibility of having a two dimensional array where the rows are of different lengths! We are still have the restriction that if we change the number of rows, we have to re-compile because the dimension of the array of pointers must be a constant

19 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 19 Multidimensional arrays as pointers to pointers We can gain the most flexibility by declaring data to be a pointer to a pointer to an integer We can then declare the array of pointers dynamically as well as dynamically allocating memory to each row: int** data; data = new int*[ 2 ]; data[ 0 ] = new int[ 4 ]; data[ 1 ] = new int[ 3 ]; Again, we can index into the array just as before: data[ 1 ][ 2 ] = 5;

20 CPSC 252 Concrete Data Types Page 20 Tradeoffs between arrays and pointers Advantages of arrays simple structures, no dynamic memory Disadvantages of arrays size is fixed Advantages of pointers size of memory pointed to can vary Disadvantages of pointers must explicitly invoke new and delete

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